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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: profit maker
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: profit maker

Translation 1 - 50 of 873  >>

econ. profit makerGewinnbringer {m}
Partial Matches
ind. maker-bauer {m} [Hersteller]
makerErsteller {m}
makerFabrikant {m}
makerHersteller {m}
makerProduzent {m}
electr. makerSchließer {m} am Relais
electr. makerSchließerkontakt {m} am Relais
makerVerfertiger {m}
relig. Maker [God]Schöpfer {m}
relig. Maker [God]Schöpfergott {m}
accommodation makerGefälligkeitsaussteller {m}
aviat. aircraft makerFlugzeugbauer {m}
automot. ind. auto makerAutohersteller {m}
hist. jobs bag makerBeutelmacher {m}
hist. jobs bag makerBeutler {m} [auch: Peutler]
jobs bag makerTaschner {m}
jobs bag makerTäschner {m}
hist. jobs balance makerWaagmacher {m}
jobs balloon-makerBallonmacher {m}
jobs barrel makerFassküfer {m}
jobs barrel-makerFassbinder {m}
jobs basket makerKorbflechter {m}
jobs basket makerKorbmacher {m}
jobs basket-makerKorbmacher {m}
jobs mus. bassoon makerFagottbauer {m}
ind. battery makerBatteriefirma {f}
bike ind. bicycle makerVeloproduzentin {f} [schweiz.] [Herstellerfirma]
bill makerWechselmakler {m}
biscuit makerPlätzchenbäcker {m}
blanket makerHersteller {m} von Wolldecken
automot. jobs body makerKarosseriebauer {m}
jobs boiler makerKesselschmied {m}
cloth. jobs boot makerStiefelmacher {m}
jobs boot-makerSchuhmacher {m}
ind. bottle makerFlaschenhersteller {m}
jobs bow makerBogenmacher {m}
jobs box makerSchachtelmacher {m}
gastr. bread makerBrotbackautomat {m}
jobs breeches makerHosenmacher {m}
jobs brick makerZiegelmacher {m}
constr. jobs brick-makerZiegler {m} [veraltet oder fachspr.] [Ziegelbrenner]
equest. hist. jobs bridle makerBisser {m}
hist. jobs broom-makerBesenbinder {m}
jobs brush-makerBürstenbinder {m}
jobs buckle makerSpangenmacher {m}
jobs button-makerKnopfmacher {m}
furn. jobs cabinet makerKunsttischler {m}
jobs cabinet makerMöbelschreiner {m}
furn. jobs cabinet makerMöbeltischler {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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