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English-German translation for: prohibition
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Dictionary English German: prohibition

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NOUN   a prohibition | prohibitions
SYNO   prohibition | prohibition era ... 
NOUN   die Prohibition | die Prohibitionen
SYNO   Prohibition | Untersagung | Verbot
Verbot {n}
Entzug {m}
Untersagung {f}
Sperre {f}
hist. Prohibition [Am.] [1920-1933]
Alkoholverbot {n}
Entziehung {f}
Unterbindung {f}
Verhinderung {f} [durch Verbot]
hist. Prohibition [Am.] [1920-1933]
Alkoholprohibition {f}
hist. Prohibition [Am.] [1920-1933]die Prohibition {f}
2 Words: Nouns
incest prohibitionInzestverbot {n}
law legal prohibitiongesetzliches Verbot {n}
parking prohibitionParkverbot {n}
prohibition noticeBeschäftigungsverbot {n} [Person]
prohibition policyVerbotspolitik {f}
prohibition signVerbotsschild {n}
EU prohibition signVerbotszeichen {n}
traffic prohibition signsVerbotsschilder {pl}
trade prohibitionHandelsverbot {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to impose a prohibitionein Verbot verhängen
3 Words: Nouns
photo. camera flash prohibitionBlitzverbot {n}
law Chemicals Prohibition OrdinanceChemikalien-Verbotsverordnung {f} <ChemVerbotsV>
law mistake regarding prohibitionVerbotsirrtum {m}
law prohibition from employmentAnstellungsverbot {n} [Arbeitsverbot]
prohibition of accessZugangsverbot {n}
prohibition of accessVerbot {n} des Zugangs
prohibition of advertisingVerbot {n} der Werbung
law Unverified prohibition of arbitrarinessWillkürverbot {n}
prohibition of assemblyVersammlungsverbot {n}
prohibition of attendanceTeilnahmeverbot {n}
econ. law prohibition of cartelsKartellverbot {n}
jobs law prohibition of competitionKonkurrenzverbot {n} [Wettbewerbsverbot]
econ. prohibition of competitionWettbewerbsverbot {n}
prohibition of cooperationKooperationsverbot {n} [Verbot einer beliebigen Zusammenarbeit]
prohibition of cooperationVerbot {n} der Zusammenarbeit
law pol. Unverified prohibition of cooperation [between the federal level and the federal states in the financing of schools (not universities) in accordance with the German constitution]Kooperationsverbot {n} [Verbot einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bundesebene und Bundesländern in der Finanzierung von Schulen gemäß der deutschen Verfassung]
law prohibition of discriminationDiskriminierungsverbot {n}
prohibition of emissionEmissionsverbot {n}
law prohibition of employmentBeschäftigungsverbot {n}
prohibition of exportsAusfuhrverbot {n}
relig. prohibition of imagesAbbildungsverbot {n}
relig. prohibition of imagesBilderverbot {n}
prohibition of importsEinfuhrverbot {n}
law relig. prohibition of killingTötungsverbot {n}
prohibition of marriageEheverbot {n}
prohibition of marriageHeiratsverbot {n}
law mil. prohibition of perfidyPerfidieverbot {n}
EU law prohibition of restrictionsBeschränkungsverbot {n}
prohibition of saleVerbot {n} des Verkaufs
law prohibition of tortureFolterverbot {m}
prohibition of useAnwendungsverbot {n}
fin. law prohibition of usuryWucherverbot {n}
constr. prohibition on buildingBausperre {f}
constr. law urban prohibition on buildingBauverbot {n} [Raumplanung]
comm. prohibition on resaleWeiterverkaufsverbot {n}
law writ of prohibition[Verfügung (eines übergeordneten Gerichts an ein untergeordnetes Gericht), in einer bestimmten Sache nicht zu entscheiden]
4 Words: Others
econ. No Compulsion - No ProhibitionKein Zwang - Keine Behinderung [Übergangsprinzip für die Anwendung des Euro vom 1.1.99-1.1.02]
4 Words: Verbs
to raise / lift the prohibitiondas Verbot aufheben
4 Words: Nouns
law Prohibition Act of 1947 [Austria] [prohibits Holocaust denial and belittlement of Nazi atrocities.]Verbotsgesetz {n} 1947 [Österreich] <VerbotsG.>
relig. prohibition of (graven) imagesBildverbot {n}
law prohibition of discriminatory practicesDiskriminierungsverbot {n}
law prohibition of double jeopardyVerbot {n} der Doppelbestrafung [Verbot doppelter Bestrafung und Strafverfolgung]
hist. relig. prohibition of lay investitureInvestiturverbot {n}
prohibition of multiple sale [renewable energies]Doppelvermarktungsverbot {n} [erneuerbare Energien]
law prohibition of retrospective legislationRückwirkungsverbot {n}
law prohibition of set-offAufrechnungsverbot {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons <OPCW>Organisation {f} für das Verbot chemischer Waffen <OPCW>
econ. prohibition of further trade activityGewerbeuntersagung {f}
law prohibition of reformatio in peius [administrative law]Verböserungsverbot {n}
law prohibition of the use of forceGewaltverbot {n}
prohibition on disposition and development freezesVerfügungs- und Veränderungssperre {f}
prohibition on the consumption of porkSchweinefleischverbot {n}
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A 2022-07-14: statutory prohibition subject to authorisation
A 2018-10-10: @ LIIama: But isn't "may not" a milder form of "must not" ( = prohibition)...
A 2018-10-03: @polarjud Nobody is calling for prohibition of delete votes.
A 2018-10-03: prohibition on delete votes?
Q 2015-04-23: a sorceress in prohibition
A 2015-03-18: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Prohibition+
Q 2015-03-18: Prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition ÜBERSETZUNG??
Q 2013-08-22: prohibition
A 2013-03-30: "prohibition" sounds like that of alcoholic beverages to me.
A 2013-03-30: Moreover, supplier shall furnish Client with/provide to Client all... part...
A 2012-12-11: prohibition on sale?
A 2012-07-21: Agree with romy's 7:32. Another explanatory translation could be "in disre...
A 2010-02-18: @Achim: yes, "dürfen" is the equivalent when "dare" is used negatively or ...
A 2010-02-18: @Tmasthenes: with the information you provided, it's a self-imposed prohib...
A 2009-12-07: English sources paraphrase it as +prohibition to think / prohibition again...
A 2009-11-28: Wäre nicht eine 'non-competition prohibition' ein Verbot des *Nichtwettbew...
A 2009-11-28: non-competition prohibition
A 2009-11-18: Ich würde eher für 'prohibition to' plus Verb plädieren:
A 2009-11-18: prohibition of exploitation
A 2009-09-08: Prohibition

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• prohibition
Prohibition Act of 1947
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prohibition notice
prohibition of access
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prohibition of assembly
prohibition of attendance
prohibition of cartels
prohibition of competition

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