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English-German translation for: projects
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Dictionary English German: projects

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
NOUN   a project | projects
Projekte {pl}
RealEst. projects [Am.]
Sozialbauten {pl}
RealEst. projects [Am.]
Sozialwohnungen {pl}
sociol. urban the projects {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [public housing]
Sozialwohnungssiedlung {f} [Ghetto]
urban the projects {pl} [coll.] [short for housing projects] [Am.]die / eine Sozialbausiedlung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
archi. constr. construction projectsBaumaßnahmen {pl}
constr. construction projectsBauvorhaben {pl}
mil. defence projects [Br.]Rüstungsvorhaben {pl}
mil. defense projects [Am.]Rüstungsvorhaben {pl}
different projectsverschiedene Projekte {pl}
ecol. environmental projectsUmweltprojekte {pl}
finance projectsAnlageobjekte {pl}
financing projectsFinanzierungsvorhaben {pl}
fin. investment projectsAnlageprojekte {pl}
joint projectsgemeinsame Projekte {pl}
main projectsHauptprojekte {pl}
ongoing projectslaufende Projekte {pl}
comm. fin. sales projectsVertriebsprojekte {pl}
separate projectsverschiedene Projekte {pl}
pol. sociol. social projectsSozialprojekte {pl}
visionary projectsLuftschlösser {pl}
3 Words: Others
sth. projects too far [e.g. building, nose]etw. steht zu weit vor [z. B. Gebäude, Nase]
3 Words: Verbs
to finance development projectsEntwicklungsprojekte finanzieren
3 Words: Nouns
cross-cutting projectsübergreifende Projekte {pl}
execution of projectsAbwicklung {f} von Projekten
inter-site projectsstandortübergreifende Projekte {pl}
archi. constr. new-build projectsNeubauvorhaben {pl}
small-scale projectsKleinprojekte {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
Advanced Research Projects Agency <ARPA>[Forschungseinrichtung des US-Verteidigungsministeriums]
lead time (of projects)Vorlaufphase {f}
support of individual projectsEinzelförderung {f} von Projekten
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. QM PRojects IN Controlled Environments method <PRINCE2> [esp. Br.] [management, control and organisation of a project]PRINCE2-Methode {f} [Management, Steuerung und Organisation eines Projekts]
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A 2024-04-12: (laufende) Forschungsvorhaben von Fachkollegen - (current) research projec...
A 2022-09-02: da es um die Gesamtjahres*prognose* geht, vermute ich mal "finally / fully...
A 2022-01-29: woodworking design, woodworking projects
A 2017-12-20: Later on, the catalogue was incorporated in two software projects which we...
A 2015-11-14: I'd go with projects different projects for a short time .... objectiv...
Q 2015-08-17: "writing projects"
A 2015-07-30: future / coming cooperation projects
Q 2015-06-18: word order of e.g. department names, projects, etc.
Q 2015-06-13: Underscoping of software projects
A 2015-04-05: Ich bin für "implementing web projects"
A 2014-12-10: Are you sure you mean "projects?"
Q 2013-07-29: ordne zu bewegende projekte neu an -> Rearrange projects to be moved?
A 2013-04-17: A mechanical project manager's job are mechanical projects (adjective and ...
Q 2013-04-11: Undergraduate Summer Research Projects
A 2013-03-20: "to have so much in the works" mean to "have so many projects / plans / vi...
A 2012-07-25: Further projects are on the stocks
A 2012-07-18: As far as the focus on finance is concerned, it highlights economic projec...
A 2011-09-14: Piloten > pilot projects / test implementations
A 2011-05-25: amalgamation of software projects
A 2011-05-25: analysis of software re-engineering on merged ? software projects

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project-specific data
project sponsor

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