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English-German translation for: proprietary
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Dictionary English German: proprietary

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
ADJ   proprietary | more proprietary | most proprietary
SYNO   proprietary | proprietorship
proprietary {adj}
proprietary {adj}
law proprietary {adj}
proprietary {adj} [e.g. software]
eigenentwickelt [z. B. Software]
law proprietary {adj}
proprietary {adj}
proprietary {adj} [attitude, manner]
proprietary {adj}
proprietary {adj}
[das Eigentum betreffend]
proprietary {adj}eigen
econ. law proprietary [sth. used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker]
Eigentum {n} [Sache, über die jemand die Verfügungs- und Nutzungsgewalt oder rechtliche Herrschaft hat]
2 Words: Others
non-proprietary {adj}nicht firmeneigen
2 Words: Nouns
proprietary accountEigenkapitalkonto {n}
proprietary articleMarkenartikel {m}
proprietary article [Am.]Markenartikel {m}
proprietary brandMarkenfabrikat {n}
proprietary capitalEigenkapital {n}
hist. relig. proprietary churchEigenkirche {f}
comm. proprietary company [Am.]Privatgesellschaft {f}
law proprietary company <Pty.> [Aus.] [Singapore] [S.Afr.][ähnlich einer Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung <GmbH>]
proprietary developmentEigenentwicklung {f}
hist. proprietary dioceseEigenbistum {n} [z. B. zählten Chiemsee und Gurk zu den Salzburger Eigenbistümern]
pharm. proprietary drugpatentrechtlich geschütztes Arzneimittel {n}
comm. proprietary goodsMarkenartikel {pl}
comm. proprietary goodsMarkenwaren {pl}
comm. proprietary goods {pl}Markenware {f}
proprietary makeMarkenfabrikat {n}
hist. relig. proprietary monasteryEigenkloster {n}
proprietary nameMarkenname {m}
law QM tech. proprietary notice [ISO 16016]Schutzvermerk {m} [auf techn. Zeichnungen; DIN EN ISO 16016]
law proprietary possessionEigenbesitz {m}
proprietary productEigenprodukt {n}
proprietary productMarkenartikel {m}
proprietary rightEigentumsrecht {n}
law proprietary rightsEigentumsrechte {pl}
comp. proprietary softwareanwendereigene Software {f}
comp. proprietary softwareproprietäre Software {f}
fin. proprietary tradingEigenhandel {m}
fin. proprietary transactionEigengeschäft {n}
3 Words: Nouns
chem. law non-proprietary nameFreiname {m}
non-proprietary namenicht gesetzlich geschützter Name {m}
hist. relig. proprietary church systemEigenkirchenwesen {n}
EU pharm. proprietary medicinal productArzneispezialität {f}
pharm. proprietary medicinal productFertigarzneimittel {n}
the proprietary classesdie besitzenden Klassen {pl}
4 Words: Others
idiom proprietary data, company confidentialals Betriebsgeheimnis anvertraut
4 Words: Verbs
to reserve one's proprietary rightssichDat. seine Eigentumsrechte vorbehalten
4 Words: Nouns
protection of proprietary rightsMarkenschutz {m}
law reservation of proprietary rightsEigentumsvorbehalt {m}
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A 2017-12-02: This seems to be proprietary stuff in the German sphere. Suggestion: calcu...
A 2017-08-28: proprietary developments (?)
A 2014-01-29: Proprietary texts/written material?
A 2014-01-27: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/proprietary?q=proprietary
A 2013-10-09: Capitals always for proprietary names
A 2012-12-16: proprietary software
A 2011-04-28: proprietary
Q 2011-04-28: proprietary work product
A 2011-02-03: Tippfehler? "valuable proprietary, confidential information"
Q 2011-02-03: Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung - "valuables proprietary" unbekannt
A 2011-01-31: Ist also "proprietary trading" richtig oder nicht?
A 2011-01-31: proprietary trading (in eigenem Namen und für eigene Rechnung)
A 2010-04-10: they organize / set up the leagues as part of their proprietary purpose
A 2010-03-05: ... the main/principal quest and the prerequisite of a proprietary policy
A 2009-12-16: proprietary
A 2009-12-04: proprietary German
Q 2009-03-11: proprietary statement
Q 2008-09-21: getting locked into a remote, proprietary platform
A 2008-06-30: das bezieht sich auf Schutzrechte wie Copyright, Marken, Patente etc. (cf....
Q 2008-06-30: proprietary control

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