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English-German translation for: proprietor
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Dictionary English German: proprietor

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
NOUN   a proprietor | proprietors
SYNO   owner | proprietor
Eigentümer {m}
Besitzer {m}
proprietor <prop., propr.>
Inhaber {m} <Inh.>
Geschäftsinhaber {m}
law proprietor
Schutzrechtsinhaber {m}
gastr. jobs proprietor
Gastwirt {m}
Betriebsinhaber {m}
Eigner {m}
2 Words: Nouns
active proprietortätiger Inhaber {m}
bookstore proprietor [Am.]Buchhändler {m}
hist. canteen proprietorMarketender {m}
co-proprietorMitbesitzer {m}
co-proprietorMiteigentümer {m}
joint proprietorMiteigentümer {m}
joint proprietorMitinhaber {m}
journ. publ. newspaper proprietorZeitungsverleger {m}
non-proprietorNichteigentümer {m}
patent proprietorPatentinhaber {m}
peasant proprietorbäuerlicher Grundeigentümer {m}
peasant proprietorBauer {m} auf eigener Scholle [ugs.]
hist. jobs mil. regimental proprietorRegimentsinhaber {m}
registered proprietoreingetragener Eigentümer {m}
gastr. restaurant proprietorGastronom {m}
riparian proprietorUfereigentümer {m}
sole proprietorAlleininhaber {m}
sole proprietorEinzelkaufmann {m}
sole proprietorEinzelunternehmer {m}
law trademark proprietorMarkeninhaber {m}
working proprietormitarbeitender Geschäftsinhaber {m}
working proprietortätiger Betriebsinhaber {m}
working proprietortätiger Geschäftsinhaber {m}
3 Words: Nouns
change of proprietorWechsel {m} des Besitzers
comm. jobs general store proprietorGreißler {m} [österr.] [Kramer]
law trade mark proprietor [also: trade-mark proprietor]Markeninhaber {m}
4 Words: Others
oenol. bottled by the proprietor [Br.]Erzeugerabfüllung [Etikettaufschrift]
4 Words: Nouns
proprietor of a bankInhaber {m} einer Bank
RealEst. proprietor of a buildingGebäudeeigentümer {m} [Eigentümer eines Gebäudes]
proprietor of a businessGeschäftseigentümer {m}
proprietor of a businessGeschäftsinhaber {m}
proprietor of a companyFirmeninhaber {m} [Inhaber einer Firma]
proprietor of a firmFirmeneigentümer {m} [Eigentümer einer Firma]
proprietor of a houseEigentümer {m} eines Hauses
proprietor of a patentPatentinhaber {m}
naut. proprietor of a shipReeder {m} [Eigentümer eines Schiffes]
proprietor of a shopLadeneigentümer {m}
proprietor of an enterpriseInhaber {m} eines Betriebes
RealEst. proprietor of the buildingGebäudeeigentümer {m} [Eigentümer des Gebäudes]
proprietor of the business [female]Geschäftsinhaberin {f}
proprietor of the companyFirmeninhaber {m} [Inhaber der Firma]
proprietor of the firmFirmeneigentümer {m} [Eigentümer der Firma]
naut. proprietor of the shipReeder {m} [Eigentümer des Schiffes]
5+ Words: Nouns
proprietor of a piece of landEigentümer {m} eines Grundstückes
proprietor of a trade markInhaber {m} eines Warenzeichens
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A 2018-06-30: In 1622 the castle was pawned to NE and 24 years later he was its proprietor.
A 2015-06-17: owner and lawful user? , owner and proprietor?
A 2012-08-28: sole proprietor
A 2010-07-18: proprietor
A 2010-07-18: proprietor
A 2010-04-14: typo "Proprietor "
A 2009-02-25: ,,,proprietor...?
A 2008-07-24: "Proprietor" ist korrekt für den Inhaber einer Firma.
A 2008-03-30: @ Wuffke: Besitzer = owner, Eigentümer = proprietor
A 2007-11-04: if you need to discriminate, proprietor should work:
A 2007-08-19: oder für 'Eigentum/tümer' besser noch 'property', 'proprietor'
A 2007-03-13: As bankrupcy proceedings have been brought against the proprietor, ...
A 2007-01-28: thanks both...you are right, they mean as opposed to a sole proprietor

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