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English-German translation for: protected
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Dictionary English German: protected

Translation 1 - 50 of 135  >>

English German
ADJ   protected | more protected | most protected
VERB  to protect | protected | protected ... 
SYNO   protected | saved
protected {adj} {past-p}
protected {adj} {past-p} [e.g. childhood]
protected {adj} {past-p} [safeguarded, secured]
sb./sth. protected
jd./etw. schützte
sb. protected
jd. behütete
protected {adj} {past-p}protektiert [selten]
sb./sth. protectedjd./etw. beschirmte
2 Words: Others
fin. stocks capital-protected {adj} [also: capital protected]kapitalgeschützt
comp. copy-protected {adj} {past-p}kopiergeschützt
tech. corrosion-protected {adj}korrosionsgeschützt
dust-protected {adj}staubdicht
dust-protected {adj}staubgeschützt
tech. explosion-protected {adj}explosionsgeschützt
flood-protected {adj}hochwassergeschützt
frost-protected {adj}frostfrei
electr. fuse-protected {adj}mit einer Sicherung abgesichert
archaeo. archi. heritage-protected {adj}denkmalgeschützt
law legally protected {adj}rechtlich geschützt
mil. mine-protected {adj}minengeschützt
over-protected {adj} {past-p}überbehütet
electr. overvoltage-protected {adj}überspannungsgeschützt
comp. password-protected {adj}passwortgeschützt
rust-protected {adj}rostgeschützt
shock-protected {adj}stoßgeschützt
comm. pol. tariff-protected {adj}durch Zoll geschützt
twice-protected {adj}zweimal geschützt
water-protected {adj}wassergeschützt
weather-protected {adj}witterungsgeschützt
well-protected {adj}gut beschützt
well-protected {adj} [secret etc.]wohlgehütet
wind-protected {adj}windgeschützt
comp. write-protected {adj}schreibgeschützt
2 Words: Verbs
to be protectedgeschützt sein
archi. to be protectedunter Denkmalschutz stehen
to be protectedunter Schutz stehen
2 Words: Nouns
protected areaSchutzgebiet {n}
protected areaSchutzzone {f}
protected areageschützter Bereich {m}
protected domain [of individual rights, on a storage medium, etc.]geschützter Bereich {m} [persönlicher Rechte, eines Speichermediums etc.]
protected fieldgeschütztes Feld {n}
comp. protected filegeschützte Datei {f}
for. protected forestBannwald {m}
hist. Protected Jew [patent of citizenship granted to Jews]Patentjude {m}
hist. Protected Jew [status for German Jews granted by the imperial, princely or royal courts]Schutzjude {m}
ecol. protected landscapeLandschaftsschutzgebiet {n}
comp. protected locationgeschützter Speicherplatz {m}
comp. protected memorygeschützter Speicher {m}
comp. protected memorygeschützter Speicherbereich {m}
comp. protected modeabgesicherter Modus {m}
comp. protected modegeschützter Modus {m}
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A 2021-07-08: Rheingau +protected on the forest side by a frontier intrenchment (SIC), c...
A 2020-12-06: Package holidays are protected, as lots of people have found out this year ;-)
A 2015-12-30: all necessary utilitiy-lines are connected subterraniously and frost-prote...
Q 2014-08-29: proffer-protected
Q 2013-04-02: they can relax in teh certainty that they are being protected by the police
A 2012-07-28: Protected species
Q 2011-12-15: Noch einen Rechtstext bitte: shall be protected? instrument believed by hi...
A 2010-10-26: Sure it's not "protected ourselves with a proper cut-off, period." ?
A 2010-03-11: The fibres of your clothes will be protected to increase comfort.
A 2010-03-10: The data to be protected must (first) be decoded.
A 2010-02-24: your CDs are copyright protected on Mars
A 2010-01-13: Would not have been protected /nicht gewahrt worden wären
Q 2009-09-10: protected party
A 2009-06-05: automatically protected...?
A 2009-04-06: protected by copyright
A 2009-04-06: The work, including all its parts, is copyrighted / protected by copyright.
A 2009-02-27: Die patentgeschuetzte Lehre > The technical teaching protected by patent
A 2008-09-30: http://www.dict.cc/?s=cosy , anything in the sense of secure, protected e...
A 2008-09-30: dunno, K....what does 'cosy' really mean, protected?
A 2008-09-12: fuse-protected / protected

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