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English-German translation for: proteins
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Dictionary English German: proteins

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
NOUN   a protein | proteins
biochem. FoodInd. proteins
Proteine {pl}
biol. proteins
Eiweißstoffe {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
biochem. adhesion proteinsAdhäsionsproteine {pl}
biochem. adhesion proteinsHaftproteine {pl}
biol. channel proteinsKanalproteine {pl}
biochem. chimeric proteinschimäre Proteine {pl}
biochem. coating proteinsHüllproteine {pl}
biochem. complement proteinsKomplementproteine {pl}
biochem. cytoskeletal proteinsZytoskelettproteine {pl}
biochem. denatured proteinsdenaturierte Proteine {pl}
biochem. dissolved proteinsgelöste Proteine {pl}
biochem. epidermal proteinsepidermale Proteine {pl}
biochem. extracellular proteins <ECPs>extrazelluläre Proteine {pl}
biochem. foreign proteinsFremdproteine {pl}
biochem. fusion proteinsFusionsproteine {pl}
biochem. G proteinsG-Proteine {pl}
biochem. globin proteinsGlobinproteine {pl}
biochem. globular proteinsglobuläre Proteine {pl}
biochem. homeodomain proteins <HDPs>Homeodomänenproteine {pl}
biochem. homologous proteinshomologe Proteine {pl}
biochem. Hox proteinsHox-Proteine {pl}
biochem. insoluble proteinsunlösliche Proteine {pl}
biochem. intracellular proteinsintrazelluläre Proteine {pl}
FoodInd. lean proteinsLean-Proteine {pl}
FoodInd. lean proteinsmagere Proteine {pl}
biochem. motor proteinsMotorproteine {pl}
biochem. muscle proteinsMuskelproteine {pl}
biochem. native proteinsnative Proteine {pl}
biochem. natural proteinsnatürliche Proteine {pl}
biochem. neurotoxic proteinsneurotoxische Proteine {pl}
biochem. noncollagenous proteins <NCPs>nichtkollagene Proteine {pl}
biochem. sequenced proteinssequenzierte Proteine {pl}
biochem. soluble proteinslösliche Proteine {pl}
biochem. structural proteinsGerüsteiweißstoffe {pl}
biol. structural proteinsStrukturproteine {pl}
biochem. synthesised proteins [Br.]synthetisierte Proteine {pl}
biochem. synthesized proteinssynthetisierte Proteine {pl}
biochem. Tau proteinsTau-Proteine {pl}
biol. transport proteinsTransportproteine {pl}
biochem. vegetable proteinspflanzliche Proteine {pl}
biochem. viral proteinsvirale Proteine {pl}
FoodInd. yeast proteinsHefeproteine {pl}
biochem. zein proteinsZein-Proteine {pl} [auch: Zeinproteine]
3 Words: Nouns
biochem. bone morphogenetic proteins <BMPs>knochenbildungsanregende Eiweißverbindungen {pl} <BMP>
biochem. calcium-binding proteinscalciumbindende Proteine {pl}
biochem. calcium-binding proteinsCalcium-bindende Proteine {pl}
biochem. cell surface proteinsZelloberflächenproteine {pl}
biochem. core histone proteinsKernhistonproteine {pl}
biochem. DNA-binding proteinsDNA-bindende Proteine {pl}
biochem. extracellular matrix proteins <ECM proteins>extrazelluläre Matrixproteine {pl} <EZMP>
biochem. heterotrimeric G proteinsheterotrimere G-Proteine {pl}
biochem. immune system proteinsImmunsystem-Proteine {pl}
biochem. iron-containing proteinseisenhaltige Proteine {pl}
biol. microtubule-associated proteins <MAPs>Mikrotubuli-assoziierte Proteine {pl} <MAP>
biol. med. opacity-associated proteins <Opa proteins, OPAs>Opa-Proteine {pl} [auch: OPA-Proteine]
biochem. oxygen-carrying proteinssauerstoffbindende Proteine {pl}
biochem. pair of proteinsProteinpaar {n}
biochem. peripheral membrane proteins <PMPs>membranständige Proteine {pl}
biochem. Sir2-like proteins [sirtuins]Sir2-like-Proteine {pl} [Sirtuine]
biochem. transmembrane transport proteinsTransmembran-Transportproteine {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
biochem. fatty acid-binding proteins <FABPs>Fettsäurebindungsproteine {pl} <FABPs>
biochem. guanine nucleotide-binding proteins <GNBPs>Guaninnukleotid-bindende Proteine {pl} <GNBP>
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