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English-German translation for: provide
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Dictionary English German: provide

Translation 1 - 50 of 233  >>

English German
VERB  to provide | provided | provided ... 
SYNO   to cater | to ply | to provide ... 
to provide
to provide sth. [afford] [opportunity, living etc.]
etw.Akk. anbieten
to provide sth. [make available for use, supply, e.g. material, funds, manpower]
etw.Akk. bereitstellen [z. B. Material, Mittel, Arbeitskräfte]
to provide
to provide
to provide
to provide
to provide sth.
etw.Akk. besorgen
to provide
comm. to provide sb. [supply]
jdn. beliefern
to provide
to provide
to provide
to provide
to provide
to provide [sth. with sth.]
[einer Sache etw.] verleihen
to provide
to provide [framework, etc.]
bilden [Rahmen, etc.]
to provide sth. [e. g. documents]
etw.Akk. beibringen [z. B. Dokumente]
to provide sth.
etw.Akk. stellen [bereitstellen]
to provide sth.
etw.Akk. herbeischaffen [besorgen]
to provide sth.etw.Akk. zur Verfügung stellen
2 Words: Verbs
to help provide sth.zu etw. verhelfen
to provide accessZugang ermöglichen
to provide accommodationUnterkunft bieten
to provide adviceRat bieten
to provide againstvorbauen gegen
to provide againstVorsorge treffen für
to provide amusementUnterhaltung bieten
to provide assistanceHilfe leisten
to provide attractionReiz bieten
to provide bailSicherheit stellen
law to provide bail(eine) Kaution leisten
fin. to provide collateralSicherheiten stellen
to provide coverDeckung beschaffen
to provide coverSchutz gewähren
to provide creditworthinessKreditwürdigkeit bieten
to provide evidenceNachweis erbringen
to provide financingFinanzierung bereitstellen
to provide forbestreiten [tragen, gestalten]
to provide forvorsehen [Plan, Gesetz]
to provide forVorsorge treffen für
to provide for sb.jdn. versorgen
to provide for sb./sth.für jdn./etw. sorgen
to provide for sth.Anstalten treffen für etw.
to provide for sth. [in advance]für etw. vorsorgen
to provide fundsMittel bereitstellen
to provide housingUnterkünfte bereitstellen
to provide housingeine Unterkunft bereitstellen
to provide informationinformieren
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Q 2022-09-27: Can someone provide a cover letter for a price increasement?
Q 2021-08-06: to file taxes vs. to provide tax return
A 2021-07-03: https://www.lexico.com/definition/provide
A 2020-05-06: versehen - to provide the last rites / graces of the Church
A 2020-02-03: Please provide the exact wording
A 2019-04-14: Bad guests risk being kicked out by their hosts. Thousands of years provid...
A 2019-03-16: Many thanks to everyone. Could you please provide the verb?
A 2018-10-21: I provide treatment and advice and - as indicated / appropriate - I write ...
A 2018-10-19: they [obviously not persons, maybe ideas] can be a subtext during discussi...
A 2018-05-27: Can someone confirm that "special ledger" = "Nebenbuch" or provide an alte...
A 2018-01-23: Please provide the context.
A 2017-11-30: to provide, to arrange for
A 2017-07-17: The risk management of pension funds must focus on the ability to provide ...
A 2017-06-09: 12:14 Is it not academically +de rigueur+ to provide clickable sources for...
A 2016-06-26: Could you provide a whole sentence?
A 2015-12-12: There could be a difference between what was available to buy privately an...
A 2015-11-20: Why don't you provide context, ksoktogon? Who wants to sell what to whom?
A 2015-10-18: Please provide the English version of your sentences
A 2015-10-14: to provide a remedy to this complaint

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• provide
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