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Dictionary English German: provided

Translation 1 - 50 of 80  >>

English German
VERB  to provide | provided | provided ... 
provided {conj} [that]
provided {adj} {past-p}
provided {conj}
provided {adj} {past-p}
provided {adj} {past-p}
provided {adj} {past-p}
provided {adj} {past-p}
provided {adj} {past-p}
comm. provided {adj} {past-p}
math. provided {conj}
provided {adj} {past-p}
sb. provided
jd. versorgte
provided {adj} {past-p}
sb. provided
jd. unterstützte
provided {adj} {past-p}zur Verfügung gestellt
provided {conj} [if]so [veraltet] [falls, wenn]
2 Words: Others
amply provided {adj}reichlich vorgesehen
provided (that) {conj}insofern
provided (that) {conj}soweit
provided that {conj}sofern
provided that {conj}wofern [veraltend] [vorausgesetzt, dass]
provided thatmit der Maßgabe, dass
provided thatunter der Bedingung, dass
provided thatunter der Voraussetzung, dass
provided that ... {conj}vorausgesetzt, dass ...
provided with {adj}versehen mit
self-provided {adj}selbsterstellt
2 Words: Nouns
information providedgelieferte Information {f}
service providederbrachte Dienstleistung {f}
3 Words: Others
always provided that ...immer vorausgesetzt, dass ...
if / when provided {adv}soweit vorhanden
not otherwise providedanderweitig nicht vorgesehen
provided security for {past-p}abgesichert
furn. provided with shelves {adj} [postpos.]ausgefacht [mit Fächern versehenes Möbelstück]
Quotes are provided.Angebote werden vorgelegt.
sth. shall be providedetw. ist vorzusehen
admin. econ. law unless otherwise provided {adv} [formal]vorbehaltlich anderer Bestimmungen
well provided for {adj}wohlversorgt
well provided for {adj} [postpos.]abgesichert [materiell]
3 Words: Verbs
to be well providedgut eingedeckt sein
to be well-providedgut ausgestattet sein
3 Words: Nouns
customer-provided componentKundenbeistellung {f}
financial services providedangebotene finanzielle Dienste {pl}
4 Words: Others
as provided for inwie vorgesehen
financially well provided for {adj}finanziell gut versorgt
into a vehicle provided {adv}in ein bereitgestelltes Fahrzeug
constr. provided by (the) client {adj} {adv}bauseitig
constr. provided by the customer {adv}bauseits
provided by the customer {adj}kundenseitig
provided by the customer {adj} [postpos.]bauseitig [durch den Kunden zu stellen, erbringen]
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A 2023-03-12: PS: William I grabbing all the land provided for modern +eminent domain+
A 2023-03-06: I see. Is this actually provided for by the guidelines?
A 2017-10-01: The LINK provided by Ursinus leads to a fairly correct translation in AE s...
A 2017-01-11: Wikipedia article link was provided.
A 2016-12-28: Your family doctor / GP may carry out this blood test. \ +Variants to be p...
A 2016-09-27: Yes, provided.
A 2016-06-27: eingerichtet - equipped / provided
A 2016-06-19: Or for that matter +'her parents,' provided +Alex+ belongs to the fairer sex
A 2015-10-13: It's not unique, timfefe. Similar service for "Sperrmüll" is provided in m...
A 2015-09-27: provided the Reichstag was not dissolved once again at that time
A 2015-08-04: provided
A 2015-06-19: No problem for sheep with protective shelter and good fodder provided by h...
A 2015-04-07: Originally Hobson's choice for the undergraduates: to live in quarters pro...
A 2015-01-09: Trastatus provided the important "only"
A 2014-12-10: I understand this to mean something like "informal report without signatur...
A 2014-09-21: I should have provided more of the context
A 2014-07-05: He agreed to his contact information being provided to whomever
A 2013-08-15: He was very hard working and provided for his family.
A 2013-07-19: Not sure of the German, but the 401(k) is a pension plan provided by your ...
Q 2013-06-27: "Provided that" without "that"

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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