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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: providing visitors
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Dictionary English German: providing visitors

Translation 1 - 50 of 84  >>

Keywords contained
providing accommodation for visitorsFremdenbeherbergung {f}
Partial Matches
providing {adj} {pres-p}anbietend
providing {adj} {pres-p}bereitstellend
providing {adj} {pres-p}unterstützend
providing {adj} {pres-p}versorgend
providing thatmit der Maßgabe, dass
providing that ... {conj}vorausgesetzt, dass ...
providing informationInformationsarbeit {f}
providing securityBestellung {f} von Sicherheiten
providing security forabsichernd
company providing servicesDienstleistungsunternehmen {n}
service-providing sectorDienstleistungsbereich {m}
bank providing a servicedienstleistende Bank {f}
company providing a serviceDienstleistungsunternehmen {n}
institution providing a servicedienstleistendes Institut {n}
person providing a serviceDienstleister {m}
small businesses providing accommodationBeherbergungsgewerbe {n}
educ. providing general education {adj} [postpos.] [schools]allgemeinbildend [Schulen]
providing of a (spiritual) homeBeheimatung {f}
educ. providing a general education {adj} [postpos.] [schools]allgemein bildend [Schulen]
educ. providing a general education {adj} [postpos.] [schools]allgemeinbildend [Schulen]
agreement providing for mutual judicial assistanceRechtshilfeabkommen {n}
educ. providing an all-round education {adj} [Br.] [postpos.] [schools]allgemein bildend [Schulen]
educ. providing an all-round education {adj} [Br.] [postpos.] [schools]allgemeinbildend [Schulen]
demands of providing healthy living and working conditionsAnforderungen {pl} an gesunde Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen
visitorsBesucher {pl}
visitors [female]Besucherinnen {pl}
to have visitorsBesuch haben [mehrere Personen]
to receive visitorsBesuch bekommen
to receive visitorsGäste empfangen
relig. church visitorsKirchenbesucher {pl}
daily visitorsTagesgäste {pl}
day visitorsTagestouristen {pl}
travel holiday visitorsFeriengäste {pl}
travel international visitorsinternationale Besucher {pl}
lady visitors {pl}Damenbesuch {m} [mehrere Damen]
professional visitorsFachbesucher {pl}
registered visitorsgezählte Besucher {pl}
spa visitorsBadegäste {pl} [Kurgäste]
pol. state visitorsStaatsbesucher {pl}
summer visitorsSommergäste {pl}
visitors guideBesucherprospekt {m}
visitors' albumGästealbum {n}
visitors' bookFremdenbuch {n} [veraltet]
visitors' bookGästebuch {n}
visitors' bookGoldenes Buch {n} [einer Stadt]
visitors' entranceBesuchereingang {m}
visitors' galleryBesuchergalerie {f}
travel visitors' queueBesucherschlange {f}
winter visitorsWintergäste {pl}
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