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English-German translation for: psychological
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Dictionary English German: psychological

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

English German
psychological {adj}
psychological {adj}
psych. psychological {adj} [coll. for: psychical]
psychological {adj}seelisch bedingt
2 Words: Others
evolutionary psychological {adj}evolutionspsychologisch
psych. individual psychological {adj}individualpsychologisch
psych. relig. religio-psychological {adj}religionspsychologisch
social-psychological {adj}sozialpsychologisch
psych. sociol. socio-psychological {adj}sozialpsychologisch
2 Words: Nouns
psych. psychological assistancepsychologische Hilfe {f}
psych. psychological assistancepsychologische Unterstützung {f}
psychological brutalitypsychologisch brutales Vorgehen {n}
jobs psychological contractpsychologischer Vertrag {m}
psych. psychological dependencypsychische Abhängigkeit {f}
med. psychological diagnosticspsychologische Diagnostik {f}
psych. psychological distress {sg}psychische Fehlbelastungen {pl}
film lit. theatre psychological dramaSeelendrama {n}
philos. psychological egoismpsychologischer Egoismus {m}
psych. psychological evaluationpsychologische Beurteilung {f}
psychological experimentpsychologisches Experiment {n}
psychological factorspsychologische Faktoren {pl}
psych. psychological healthpsychische Gesundheit {f}
law relig. psychological incapacity [esp. Philippines, otherwise archaic] [reasoning for annulment of marriage]psychische Ehekonsensunfähigkeit {f} [Begründung für Eheauflösung]
mil. psychological operationspsychologische Maßnahmen {pl} und Kampfführung
psych. psychological parentBezugsperson {f}
psychological pressurepsychischer Druck {m}
market. psych. psychological pricingpsychologische Preissetzung {f}
psych. psychological profilePsychogramm {n}
psych. psychological profilepsychologisches Profil {n}
psych. psychological profilingAnfertigung {f} eines psychologischen Profils
psychological researchpsychologische Forschung {f}
psych. psychological stateSeelenzustand {m}
psych. psychological strainLeidensdruck {m}
psych. psychological stressLeidensdruck {m}
psych. psychological stresspsychische Belastung {f}
psych. psychological stress {sg}psychische Belastungen {pl}
psychological studyPsychogramm {n}
lit. psychological studySeelenbild {n} [psychologische Studie]
psych. psychological supportpsychologische Betreuung {f}
psych. psychological supportpsychologische Hilfe {f}
psych. psychological supportpsychologische Unterstützung {f}
psych. spec. psychological tact [esp. Helmholtz and Gadamer]psychologisches Taktgefühl {n} [bes. Helmholtz and Gadamer]
psychological terrorPsychoterror {m}
psychological testpsychologischer Test {m}
med. psych. psychological therapyPsychotherapie {f}
med. psych. psychological therapypsychologische Therapie {f}
film lit. psychological thrillerPsychothriller {m}
psych. psychological traumaPsychotrauma {n}
psych. psychological traumapsychisches Trauma {n}
psych. psychological traumapsychologisches Trauma {n}
psych. psychological traumaseelisches Trauma {n}
mil. psychological warfarepsychologische Kampfführung {f}
mil. psychological warfarepsychologische Kriegführung {f}
mil. psychological warfarepsychologische Kriegsführung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
psych. to have psychological effectssich psychisch auswirken
3 Words: Nouns
medical-psychological assessment <MPA> [in Germany]Depperltest {m} [ugs.] [bayer.] [medizinisch-psychologische Untersuchung <MPU>]
psych. traffic medical-psychological assessment <MPA> [in Germany]Idiotentest {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Medizinisch-Psychologische Untersuchung, MPU]
medical-psychological assessment <MPA> [in Germany]MPU {f} [medizinisch-psychologische Untersuchung]
med. psych. traffic medical-psychological assessment <MPA> [in Germany]Medizinisch-Psychologische Untersuchung {f} <MPU>
psychological / graphological assessmentpsychologische / grafologische Begutachtung {f}
psych. psychological make-upPsyche {f}
psych. psychological refractory period <PRP>psychologische Refraktärperiode {f} <PRP>
mil. psychological warfare casebookHandbuch {n} der psychologischen Kriegsführung
jobs psychological work contractpsychologischer Arbeitsvertrag {m}
educ. psych. school psychological serviceschulpsychologischer Dienst {m} <SPD>
4 Words: Others
at the psychological moment {adv}im psychologischen Moment
4 Words: Verbs
psych. to be under psychological pressurepsychisch belastet sein
to go all psychological on sb. [coll.]jdm. auf die Psychotour kommen [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
psych. disorders of psychological development [F80-F89]Entwicklungsstörungen {pl}
5+ Words: Verbs
psych. to be under a great deal of psychological pressureunter großem psychischen Druck stehen
5+ Words: Nouns
institute for research into psychological impactInstitut {n} für psychologische Wirkungsforschung
Fiction (Literature and Film)
math. philos. F On the Concept of Number. Psychological AnalysesÜber den Begriff der Zahl. Psychologische Analysen [E. Husserl]
math. philos. F Philosophy of Arithmetic. Psychological and Logical InvestigationsPhilosophie der Arithmetik. Psychologische und Logische Untersuchungen [E. Husserl]
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Q 2023-11-28: psychological=seelisch?
A 2019-12-11: +affinity for technology+ googles well in a psychological context
A 2015-01-02: There's the weaving (das Weben) done by a horse, which is a psychological ...
A 2014-04-10: Psychological meaning
A 2011-05-17: Abortion discussion needs psychological studies
A 2010-10-01: Well, from a psychological point of view, it would be shrewd to use "Einst...
A 2010-09-30: psychological ~ mental grudge > geistige Abneigung
A 2010-09-30: dann vielleicht kürzer: tiefsitzende A. (das würde etwa mit "psychological...
Q 2010-09-30: a psychological grudge
A 2010-07-31: a frantic revue movie as such that does not care much for psychological re...
A 2010-05-08: http://ezinearticles.com/?Prevent-a-Bully-From-Dealing-Psychological-Damag...
A 2010-05-08: disagree with psychological
A 2010-05-08: psychological damage is fine too ...
Q 2010-05-08: psychische Schäden - mental, psychological oder emotional damage?
A 2010-03-03: Distance can also be psychological - +those+ pervs are pervs one prefers t...
Q 2009-12-09: XY is a state of being stuck (at a certain psychological age)
A 2009-06-04: I'd go for psychological penetration
A 2009-05-27: "psychic" or "psychological" ?
A 2009-05-22: +differential development+ crops up in psychological contexts
A 2009-05-05: This reminds me of a psychological experiment, the German title is "Bezugs...

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