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English-German translation for: published.
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Dictionary English German: published

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

English German
ADJ   published | - | -
VERB  to publish | published | published ... 
SYNO   promulgated | published
published {adj} {past-p}
publ. published {adj} {past-p}
sb. published
jd. veröffentlichte
publ. published {adj} {past-p}
publ. published {adj} {past-p} <pub.>
herausgegeben <hrsg.>
publ. published {adj} {past-p}
publ. published {adj} {past-p}
verlegt [herausgebracht]
publ. sb. publishedjd. publizierte
2 Words: Others
publ. first published {adj}erstveröffentlicht
published byherausgegeben von
publ. published by ... {adj} [postpos.]erschienen im Verlag ... [nachgestellt]
recently published {adj}neu veröffentlicht
publ. self-published {adj} {past-p}selbst veröffentlicht
2 Words: Verbs
to be publishedaufliegen [erschienen sein, Buch]
publ. to be publishederscheinen
to be publishedherauskommen
2 Words: Nouns
comp. publ. place publishedVerlagsort {m}
publ. published literature {sg}erschienene Veröffentlichungen {pl} [Literatur]
published productsVerlagserzeugnisse {pl}
published rateveröffentlichter Frachtsatz {m}
published reservesausgewiesene Rücklagen {pl}
lit. publ. published work [individual book etc.]Publikation {f} [Einzelbuch etc.]
lit. published work {sg} [total of a person's books issued]Publikationen {pl} [veröffentlichtes Gesamtwerk]
lit. published worksPublikationen {pl} [die einzelnen Veröffentlichungen]
3 Words: Others
publ. published by X {adj} [postpos.]bei X erschienen
sb. has / had published sth.jd. hat / hatte etw. herausgegeben [Verlag]
sth. must be publishedetw. muss veröffentlicht werden
3 Words: Nouns
law published patent applicationOffenlegungsschrift {f}
4 Words: Others
first published in 1980 {adj} [postpos.]1980 zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht
4 Words: Verbs
publ. to be published in instalmentsin Fortsetzungen erscheinen
4 Words: Nouns
publ. number of copies publishedAuflagehöhe {f} [Buch]
publ. number of copies publishedAuflagenhöhe {f} [Buch]
publ. number of copies publishedAuflageziffer {f} [Buch] [seltener]
5+ Words: Others
publ. 12,000 copies of the book were published.Das Buch hatte eine Auflagenhöhe von 12.000.
in an article published today {adv}in einem heute erschienenen Artikel
sth. is bound to have been publishedetw. muss veröffentlicht (worden) sein [es ist vorauszusetzen, dass es veröffentlicht worden ist]
sth. is to be published each yearetw. muss jährlich veröffentlicht werden
law The contents and works published on this website are protected by copyright.Die auf dieser Website veröffentlichten Inhalte und Werke sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
5+ Words: Verbs
to ask to have the banns publishedum das Aufgebot bitten
publ. to be published by the authorim Selbstverlag erscheinen [Publikation des Autors]
publ. to be published in loose-leaf formals Loseblattsammlung herauskommen
5+ Words: Nouns
examined and published patent applicationAuslegeschrift {f}
publ. the book which he published himselfsein im Eigenverlag erschienenes Buch {n}
publ. total number of copies publishedGesamtauflage {f} eines Buches
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A 2019-02-10: Please let us know when and where your translation is published.
A 2017-12-08: The sources (18:11) are stated in the footnotes. They are articles publish...
A 2017-05-16: Published rate
A 2016-12-04: But the published translation quoted above ditches the character of the au...
A 2016-10-20: +Reality Sandwiches+ is / was the title of a book by Allen Ginsberg publis...
A 2016-04-06: Published about / around / circa \ published in * or so
A 2016-04-03: published on .....
Q 2016-04-03: published on/at the website
A 2015-08-31: A year later, ED had a book published on the 'Jewish Issue' as an issue of...
A 2013-08-27: Law Review = a journal published by law students.
A 2013-05-22: ...some of which he had printed / published.
A 2012-04-09: (Postcard) Published by Gustav Liersch & Company Berlin S.W. AUNT LIT...
A 2012-03-24: I have only ever seen this notice in books published in the US.
A 2012-03-02: Pictures/photos und uploaded/published
A 2012-01-05: In the book published in 2005 ...
A 2011-12-13: no it's published by
A 2011-09-25: self published?
A 2011-08-27: paper published in the conference proceedings
A 2011-07-18: @sunfunilli.... I'm studying from a book that was probably published before...

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