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English-German translation for: publishing
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Dictionary English German: publishing

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NOUN   publishing | -
VERB  to publish | published | published
publishing | publishes
SYNO   publication | publishing
publishing {adj}
Veröffentlichung {f}
publ. publishing
Verlagswesen {n}
Herausgabe {f}
Bekanntgabe {f}
2 Words: Nouns
comp. publ. automated publishingautomatisiertes Publishing {n}
comp. spec. desktop publishing <DTP>Desktoppublishing {n} <DTP> [Rsv.]
comp. spec. desktop publishing <DTP>computergestütztes Publizieren {n}
comp. spec. desktop publishing <DTP>Desktop-Publishing {n} <DTP>
publ. publishing activityPublikationstätigkeit {f}
publ. publishing advanceBuchvorschuss {m}
archi. publ. publishing buildingVerlagsgebäude {n}
print publ. publishing center [Am.]Verlagszentrum {n}
publ. publishing companyVerlag {m} <Verl., Vlg.>
publishing companyVerlagsgesellschaft {f}
publishing companyVerlagshandlung {f}
publ. publishing companyVerlagshaus {n}
publishing dateVeröffentlichungsdatum {n}
publ. publishing dayErscheinungstag {m}
publ. publishing deadlineErscheinungsfrist {f}
jobs publ. publishing directorVerlagsleiter {m}
jobs publ. publishing director [female]Verlagsleiterin {f}
publ. publishing firmVerlagsanstalt {f}
publ. publishing firmVerlagsbuchhandlung {f} [veraltet] [noch in Firmennamen] [Verlag]
publ. publishing groupVerlagsgruppe {f}
publ. publishing headquarters {pl}Verlagssitz {m}
publ. publishing houseBuchverlag {m}
publ. publishing houseSchriftenverlag {m}
publ. publishing houseVerlag {m} <Verl., Vlg.>
publ. publishing houseVerlagsanstalt {f}
archi. publ. publishing houseVerlagsgebäude {n}
publishing houseVerlagshandlung {f}
publ. publishing houseVerlagshaus {n}
publ. publishing housesVerlage {pl}
ind. publ. publishing industryVerlagsgewerbe {n}
ind. publ. publishing industryVerlagsindustrie {f}
journ. publishing informationImpressum {n}
publ. publishing mediaVerlagsmedien {pl} [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
print publishing paper [for the publication of printed books]Werkdruckpapier {n}
publ. publishing placeVerlagsort {m}
law publ. publishing rightsVerlagsrechte {pl}
publ. publishing sectorVerlagsbranche {f}
acad. publishing studies {pl}Publizistik {f} [kurz für.: Publizistikwissenschaft]
publ. publishing tradeVerlagsbuchhandel {m}
publ. self-publishingSelbstverlag {m}
comp. single sourcing <SS> [single-source publishing]Single-Source-Publishing {n} <SSP> [z. B. technische Dokumentationen]
3 Words: Nouns
publ. book-publishing businessBücherverlagswesen {n}
publ. book-publishing houseBuchverlag {m}
computer aided publishingcomputergestütztes Publizieren {n}
educ. publ. educational publishing companySchulbuchverlag {m}
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Q 2019-06-03: face of publishing
A 2015-07-24: Publishing
A 2014-09-14: @lisa4dict - this is a press release which is translated now and for later...
A 2013-12-01: Correction: publishing instead of writing!
A 2012-12-05: publishing industrie?
A 2012-09-23: Das heißt in DE genauso: Desktop Publishing.
Q 2012-09-23: desktop publishing
A 2011-04-26: publishing company
A 2010-12-02: The context suggests: Publishing
A 2010-09-21: DTP in diesem Zusammenhang = Desktop Publishing
A 2010-08-25: I think 'house' here refers to her 'commercial firm' (as in fashion house,...
A 2010-02-09: What about desktop publishing, mwk?
A 2010-02-09: Rare As Hen's Teeth. If your client is publishing his own book, take the m...
Q 2009-11-22: publishing-related question
Q 2009-08-03: What is steuerabsätze in Publishing industry?
A 2008-10-14: ... and 'for the drawer', i.e. without any chance of publishing it?
A 2008-08-18: Copyright owners tend to transfer the execution of their rights to (music)...
A 2008-05-16: publishing date
Q 2007-09-13: Mantelteil - publishing
A 2006-10-20: no, you can't do any desk top publishing with Adobe Reader

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publishing date
publishing day
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