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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: pubs
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Dictionary English German: pubs

Translation 1 - 7 of 7


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NOUN1   a pub | pubs
NOUN   das/[auch] der Pub | die Pubs
pubs [Br.]
Kneipen {pl}
gastr. pubs [Br.]
Lokale {pl}
pubs [Br.]Pubs {pl}
gastr. harbour pubs [Br.]Hafenkneipen {pl}
seedy pubszwielichtige Gaststätten {pl}
death of pubsWirtshaussterben {n}
theatre to play the (small) clubs / pubs / theatrestingeln [ugs.]
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A 2021-12-27: der Name eines Pubs?
A 2019-02-14: WirtsChaften = pubs / inns Viele Kneipen / Lokale und Restaurants habe...
A 2019-02-14: WirtsChaften = pubs / inns Viele Kneipen / Lokale und haben
A 2018-08-16: Drinking in UK pubs
A 2015-06-27: Okay, it seems that I have been to the wrong pubs yet :)
A 2014-02-05: I can't think of a word that covers pubs, bars and restaurants.
A 2012-12-21: Today your pubs - tomorrow the world!
A 2012-09-29: Es gibt viele Pubs in der Stadt.
A 2012-09-29: "Dass es viele Pubs in der Stadt gibt" würde ich sagen.
A 2009-01-11: Kontext hier: http://www.european-patent-office.org/epo/pubs/oj97/d_12002.pdf
Q 2008-11-28: Recession: Will death of pubs be death of UK?
A 2008-09-25: Generally, (in Britain, at least) pubs and bars don't have waiter/waitress...
A 2008-08-29: Please scroll back to see that London night life isn't just pubs
A 2008-08-29: There's more to London night life than just pubs: ... they could have met ...
A 2008-03-31: http://www.epa.gov/greenchemistry/pubs/pgcc/presgcc.html
A 2008-02-08: Gibt's in Wü keine pubs mehr?
A 2007-10-28: p: i think mar's looking for a german word. there are pubs in germany,
A 2007-05-09: eher "cultivated conversation" in order to stress the quality of the pubs,...
A 2006-07-21: 5 pubs at least
A 2006-07-13: Ja, der Hebel, der in britischen Pubs das Bier zapft, ist ein "Pull"

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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