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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: puff away at sth.
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: puff away at sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 48250  >>

Keywords contained
to puff away at sth. [pipes, cigars, etc.]etw.Akk. schmauchen [Pfeifen, Zigarren usw.]
to puff (away) at / on sth. [cigarette, pipe, etc.]etw.Akk. paffen [ugs.] [rauchen]
Partial Matches
to puff away at / on a cigarette / pipeeine Zigarette / Pfeife qualmen [ugs.]
to puff (away)paffen [ugs.] [(heftig) rauchen]
to puff awayquarzen [ugs.]
to puff awaywegblasen
to puff away [smoke one cigarette after another]eine Zigi nach der anderen paffen [ugs.]
to chip away at sth.an etw.Dat. herummeißeln
to chip away at sth.an etw.Dat. nagen [auch fig.]
geol. to eat away at sth.etw. abtragen [erodieren]
to gnaw away at sth.etw. annagen
to scrape away (at sth.)(an etw.Dat.) herumkratzen
to sweat away at sth.sichAkk. (mit etw.Dat.) abrackern [ugs.] [schuften]
to toil away at sth.an etw.Dat. laborieren
to chip away at sth. [fig.]etw. reduzieren
to chip away at sth. [fig.]etw. verringern
to hammer (away) at sth. [idiom]eifrig an etw.Dat. arbeiten
to labour away at sth. [Br.]an etw.Dat. laborieren
to plug away at sth. [coll.]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. abrackern [ugs.]
to slog away at sth. [coll.]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. abplagen
to soldier away at sth. [coll.]an etw.Dat. bosseln [ugs.]
to eat away at sb./sth. [expression]an jdm./etw. nagen [fig.]
to eat away at sth. [corrosion etc.]an etw.Dat. fressen [Rost etc.]
to gnaw away at sth. [also fig.]an etw.Dat. nagen [auch fig.]
to hammer away at sb./sth. [coll.]auf jdm./etw. herumhacken [ugs.]
to beaver away at making sth. [coll.]an etw.Dat. bosseln [ugs.]
to slog away at / on sth. [coll.]sich mit etw.Dat. abmühen
to blaze away at sb./sth. [soldiers, guns]auf jdn./etw. drauflosfeuern
to whittle away at sth. [gradually reduce it]etw. allmählich reduzieren
idiom to chip away at sth. [e. g. self-confidence]an etw.Dat. kratzen [z. B. Selbstvertrauen]
to chip away at sth. [fig.] [a system, sb.'s authority]etw.Akk. unterminieren [fig.] [ein System, jds. Autorität]
to chew away at sth. [gnaw at sth. (until it's all gone)]an etw.Dat. herumkauen
zool. T
to puff sth. upetw.Akk. aufbauschen [auch fig.: Nachricht etc.]
to puff sb./sth. up [fig.] [praise excessively]jdn./etw. hochjubeln [ugs.]
to take a puff of sth. [cigarette, etc.]an etw.Dat. ziehen [einen Zug nehmen (Zigarette, Zigarre, Pfeife)]
to puff (on) sth. [to smoke a cigarette, cigar, etc.]etw. paffen [ugs.] [eine Zigarette, Zigarre usw. rauchen]
to munch away (on / at) [coll.]vor sich hin mampfen [ugs.]
At least we came away.Wenigstens sind wir davongekommen.
mil. to be away at the warsim Felde sein
to clatter away at a typewritermit der Maschine schreiben
dent. to eat away at your teethdie Zähne anfressen
to tap away at the keysauf den Tasten rumdrücken [ugs.]
sale at give-away pricesVerkauf {m} zu Schleuderpreisen
idiom to chip away at sb.'s imagejdn. demontieren [fig.]
idiom to chip away at sb.'s imagejds. Image ankratzen
to slave away at a job [coll.]sich mit einer Arbeit schinden [ugs.]
He can't get away at the moment.Er ist zur Zeit nicht abkömmlich.
to shift the focus (away) from sth. to sth.den Schwerpunkt von etw.Dat. (weg) auf etw.Akk. (hin) verlagern
to take sth. (away) from sb./sth.jdm./etw. etw.Akk. wegnehmen
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