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English-German translation for: pullover
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Dictionary English German: pullover

Translation 1 - 50 of 50


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NOUN   a pullover | pullovers
SYNO   pullover | slipover
NOUN   der Pullover | die Pullover
SYNO   Pulli [ugs.] | Pullover | Sweatshirt
cloth. sweater
Pullover {m}
cloth. jumper [Br.]
Pullover {m}
cloth. pullover
Pullover {m}
cloth. pullover
Pulli {m} [ugs.]
cloth. jersey
Pullover {m}
cloth. jumpers [Br.]
Pullover {pl}
cloth. sweaters
Pullover {pl}
cloth. gansey [West Indian] [sweater or T-shirt]Pullover {m} [bes. Strickpullover]
cloth. guernseydicker Pullover {m} [von Fischern getragen]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. alpaca pulloverAlpakapullover {m}
cloth. angora pulloverAngorapullover {m}
cloth. baggy pulloverSchlabberpulli {m} [ugs.]
cloth. cashmere pulloverKaschmirpullover {m}
cloth. cotton pulloverBaumwollpullover {m}
cloth. crochet pulloverHäkelpullover {m}
cloth. heavy sweaterdicker Pullover {m}
cloth. knit pulloverStrickpullover {m}
cloth. knitted pulloverStrickpullover {m}
cloth. Marius sweaterMarius-Pullover {m}
cloth. mohair pulloverMohairpullover {m}
cloth. plush pulloverNicki {m}
cloth. pullover anorakSchlupfanorak {m}
cloth. pullover braBustier {n} [mit BH-Einlage]
cloth. pullover jacketSchlupfjacke {f}
cloth. pullover sweaterPullover {m}
cloth. ribbed pulloverRippenpullover {m}
cloth. sports skiing pulloverSkipullover {m}
cloth. sleeveless pullover [sweater vest]Pullunder {m}
cloth. sweat shirtPullover {m}
cloth. sweater braPullover-BH {m}
cloth. turtleneck pullover [Am.]Rollkragenpullover {m}
cloth. wool pulloverWollpullover {m}
cloth. woolen pullover [Am.]Wollpullover {m}
cloth. woolen pullover [Am.]wollener Pullover {m}
cloth. woollen pullover [Br.]Wollpullover {m}
cloth. woollen pullover [Br.]wollener Pullover {m}
3 Words: Nouns
cloth. (horizontally) striped pulloverRingelpullover {m}
cloth. cable-knit sweaterPullover {m} mit Zopfmuster
textil. crew neck sweaterPullover {m} mit Rundhalsausschnitt
cloth. knitted-wool pullover [Br.]Strickpullover {m}
cloth. long-sleeve pulloverLangarmpullover {m}
cloth. low neck sweaterausgeschnittener Pullover {m}
cloth. polo-neck pullover [Br.]Rollkragenpullover {m}
cloth. red-coloured jumper [Br.]rotfarbiger Pullover {m}
cloth. red-coloured jumper [Br.]rot eingefärbter Pullover {m}
cloth. short-sleeve pulloverKurzarmpullover {m}
cloth. turtle-neck pulloverPullover {m} mit Rollkragen
4 Words: Nouns
cloth. comm. all sizes of pulloversPullover {pl} in allen Größen
5+ Words: Others
You've got your sweater on back to front.Du hast den Pullover / Sweater verkehrt (herum) an.
You've got your sweater on backwards.Du hast den Pullover / Sweater verkehrt (herum) an.
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A 2020-10-22: halbenger Pullover
A 2020-10-21: halb enger Pullover
A 2017-10-20: 2. Das Mädchen trägt einen lila Pullover und hat zurückgebundene Haare.
A 2012-04-18: Sie erkennt eine Stickerei auf dem Pullover eines toten Kindes wieder.
A 2010-07-27: Slip-on sweater - I think Pulli/pullover is fine.
A 2010-02-20: Sweater, jersey, pullover, jumper etc.
Q 2010-02-20: sweater-pullover-jersey
Q 2009-10-16: Sein Pullover ist gelb-schwarz gepunktet.
A 2008-03-01: Er zog (sich) den Pullover auf links an
A 2007-05-16: wollt ich eh zuerst schreiben, dann dachte ich aber, dass das Pullover wären!
A 2006-10-05: kratzig, z. B. kratziger Pullover
A 2006-05-23: could mean "pullover"...
Q 2006-03-12: "Ich mag den Aufdruck auf deinem Pullover"...is it in ae just "I like the ...

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