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English-German translation for: purification
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Dictionary English German: purification

Translation 1 - 50 of 79  >>

English German
NOUN   a purification | purifications
SYNO   purgation | purification | purification ... 
Reinigung {f}
chem. purification
Aufreinigung {f}
Läuterung {f}
Klärung {f} [Reinigung]
med. purification
Entschlackung {f}
relig. purification
Katharsis {f}
tech. purification
Nachreinigung {f}
Veredelung {f} [Reinigung]
2 Words: Nouns
air purificationLuftreinigung {f}
biochem. antibody purificationAntikörperreinigung {f}
biological purificationbiologische Reinigung {f}
MedTech. blood purificationBlutreinigung {f}
med. blood purificationBlutwäsche {f}
chemical purificationchemische Reinigung {f}
chem. gas purificationGasreinigung {f}
chem. tech. hydrogen purificationWasserstoffreinigung {f}
chem. mercury purificationQuecksilberreinigung {f}
chem. ecol. partial purificationTeilreinigung {f}
biochem. protein purificationProteinaufreinigung {f}
biotech. protein purificationProteinpurifikation {f}
biochem. protein purificationProteinreinigung {f}
relig. purification ceremonyReinigungszeremonie {f}
tech. purification mechanismReinigungsmechanismus {m}
chem. tech. purification methodReinigungsmethode {f}
chem. tech. purification methodReinigungsverfahren {n}
relig. purification offeringReinigungsopfer {n}
tech. purification plantKläranlage {f}
tech. purification plantReinigungsanlage {f}
tech. purification procedureReinigungsprozedur {f}
chem. purification procedureReinigungsverfahren {n}
tech. purification processReinigungsprozess {m}
tech. purification processReinigungsprozeß {m} [alt]
tech. purification processReinigungsverfahren {n}
tech. purification processReinigungsvorgang {m}
acad. purification protocolReinigungsprotokoll {n}
relig. purification riteReinigungsritus {m}
relig. purification ritualReinigungsritual {n}
tech. purification schemeReinigungsschema {n} [Konzept, Programm]
chem. tech. purification stepAufreinigungsschritt {m}
chem. tech. purification stepReinigungsschritt {m}
chem. tech. purification stepReinigungsstufe {f}
biochem. chem. purification strategyAufreinigungsstrategie {f}
chem. purification strategyReinigungsstrategie {f}
tech. purification technologyReinigungstechnik {f}
tech. purification technologyReinigungstechnologie {f}
chem. purification treatmentReinigungsbehandlung {f}
biochem. tech. receptor purificationRezeptorreinigung {f}
relig. ritual purificationrituelle Reinigung {f}
self-purificationSelbstreinigung {f}
hydro. sewage purificationAbwasserreinigung {f}
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A 2011-02-05: There's +purification+ plant - +clarification+ seems to be guff: in Englis...
A 2010-12-21: Reinigung = some call it purification ... ups - it's your Ausreinigu...
A 2010-02-11: ? ultra pure water purification plant
A 2008-10-20: final purification stage
A 2007-05-14: purification plan ?
A 2006-04-23: @Proteus, hab ich gemacht ...(purification?)

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