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English-German translation for: purse
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Dictionary English German: purse

Translation 1 - 50 of 96  >>

English German
NOUN   a purse | purses
VERB  to purse | pursed | pursed ... 
SYNO   to purse | to wrinkle | bag | handbag ... 
to purse sth. [pocket]
etw. einstecken [in die Tasche]
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Geldbeutel {m}
purse [Am.] [handbag]
Handtasche {f}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Portemonnaie {n}
purse [Br.] [for carrying money]
Geldbörse {f}
Portmonee {n} [Rsv.]
Beutel {m} [Tasche, Geldbeutel]
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Börse {f} [Geldbeutel]
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Geldtasche {f}
Täschchen {n}
purse [prize money]
Preisgeld {n}
purse [small pouch for carrying money]
Geldbörsel {n} [österr.]
gastr. purseKellnertasche {f}
pursePortjuchhe {n} [ugs., hum. für: Portemonnaie]
2 Words: Others
purse-lipped {adj} [silently disapproving]schmallippig [fig.] [schweigsam kritisch]
2 Words: Nouns
hist. alms purseAlmosenbeutel {m}
children's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Kindergeldbeutel {m}
cloth. clutch purseClutch {f}
cut-purse [spv.] [archaic]Beutelschneider {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Taschendieb]
cloth. designer purse [Am.]Designertasche {f} [Handtasche]
fish devil's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
electronic purseelektronische Geldbörse {f}
empty purse [empty small bag for carrying money]leere Geldbörse {f}
fat purse [full small pouch for carrying money] [also fig.]dicker Geldbeutel {m}
favorite purse [Am.]Lieblingshandtasche {f}
heavy pursevolle Geldbörse {f}
heavy purse [small pouch for carrying money]schwere Geldbörse {f}
cloth. leather purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Lederbörse {f} [Ledergeldbeutel]
leather purse [small pouch for carrying money]Ledergeldbeutel {m}
fish mermaid's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
privy purse [of a prince]Privatschatulle {f}
public purseStaatskasse {f}
public purseöffentliche Hand {f}
public purse [Aus.] [Br.]Staatssäckel {m}
jobs purse makerTäschner {m}
fish purse seineRingwadennetz {n}
textil. purse silkKordonettseide {f}
purse snatcherHandtaschendieb {m}
purse-mouth [rare]verbitterter Mensch {m}
fish sailor's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
slender purse [small pouch for carrying money] [also fig.]magere Geldbörse {f}
women's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Damengeldbeutel {m}
women's purse [Br.] [for carrying money]Damen-Geldbörse {f}
women's purse [woman's small pouch for carrying money]Damengeldbörse {f}
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to hold the pursedas Geld zusammenhalten
to pick a purse [Br.]eine Geldbörse stehlen
to purse one's lipsden Mund spitzen
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen aufeinanderpressen
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen schürzen
to purse one's lipsdie Lippen spitzen
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A 2012-06-09: hier auf der Insel - purse = Geldbeutel .... and yes, for a man, of cours...
A 2012-06-09: Wouldn't purse be "Handtasche"?
A 2011-06-21: You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
A 2011-02-07: English blokes don't use a purse (BE) either.
A 2010-07-29: assistant private secretary > stellvertretender Geheimsekretär; keeper of ...
Q 2010-06-17: to purse / protrude ones lips
A 2010-06-12: You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
A 2010-05-04: The other way round, Brooklyn dialect makes a purse a poise and a burger a...
A 2009-12-04: purse???
A 2009-12-03: complicated?--- & very interest to purse
A 2009-05-04: A little closer: You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
A 2008-11-19: Wegekosten / Wegegeld > travelling expenses \ +infrastructure expenditure+...
Q 2008-03-12: Seine purse net
A 2007-08-27: cigar box purse
A 2007-08-27: cigar box purse
A 2007-05-08: Joint purse arrangement - der Gewinn wird geteilt ....
Q 2007-05-08: Joint purse arrangement
A 2006-09-07: no, no, not purse.....definitely pourse. I cant find it anywhere...
A 2006-09-07: pourse? you mean purse? sounds even stranger here
A 2006-04-24: RINGWADENNETZE Purse - seine und staatenfrei

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