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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: quantification software
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Dictionary English German: quantification software

Translation 1 - 50 of 354  >>

NOUN   quantification software | -
comp. MedTech. quantification softwareQuantifizierungssoftware {f}
Partial Matches
quantificationMengenbestimmung {f}
quantificationQuantifizierung {f}
quantificationQuantitätsbestimmung {f}
existential quantificationExistenzaussage {f}
math. philos. spec. existential quantificationExistenzialaussage {f}
math. philos. existential quantificationExistenzquantifizierung {f}
MedTech. flow quantificationFlussquantifizierung {f}
quantification methodQuantifizierungsmethode {f}
math. universal quantificationAllaussage {f}
math. philos. universal quantificationAllquantifizierung {f}
math. universal quantificationUniversalquantifizierung {f}
ling. philos. domain of quantificationQuantifikationsbereich {m}
med. quantification of a left-to-right shuntQuantifizierung {f} eines Links-rechts-Shunts [auch: ... Links-Rechts-...]
med. pharm. quantification of Tumor M2-PK in stoolQuantifizierung {f} der Tumor-M2-PK im Stuhl
comp. softwareProgrammausstattung {f}
comp. software {sg}Computerprogramme {pl}
comp. software {sg}EDV-Programme {pl}
comp. software <SW>Software {f}
comp. software-agnostic {adj}softwareunabhängig
comp. software-assisted {adj}softwareunterstützt
comp. software-compatible {adj}software-kompatibel
comp. tech. software-controlled {adj}softwaregesteuert
comp. to install softwareSoftware aufspielen
comp. accompanying softwarebegleitende Software {f}
acc. comp. accounting softwareBuchhaltungsprogramm {n}
comp. additional softwareZusatzsoftware {f}
admin. comp. administrative softwareVerwaltungssoftware {f}
comp. antivirus softwareVirenschutzsoftware {f}
comp. application softwareAnwendersoftware {f}
comp. application softwareAnwendung {f} [kurz für: Anwendungssoftware]
comp. application softwareAnwendungssoftware {f}
comp. applications softwareAnwendersoftware {f}
comp. applications softwareAnwendungssoftware {f}
comp. authoring softwareAutorensoftware {f}
comp. ind. automation softwareAutomationssoftware {f}
comp. ind. automation softwareAutomatisierungssoftware {f}
comp. backup softwareSicherungssoftware {f} [Backupsoftware]
comp. fin. bank softwareBankensoftware {f}
comp. fin. banking softwareBankensoftware {f}
comp. basic softwareBasissoftware {f}
comp. basic softwarewesentliche Software {f}
comp. batch softwareBatch-Software {f}
comp. billing softwareAbrechnungssoftware {f}
comp. burning softwareBrennprogramm {n}
comp. photo. camera softwareKamerasoftware {f} [auch: Kamera-Software]
comp. cash softwareKassensoftware {f}
comp. collaborative softwarekollaborative Software {f}
comp. commercial softwarekommerzielle Software {f}
comp. communication softwareDatenübertragungssoftware {f}
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