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English-German translation for: quantitative
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Dictionary English German: quantitative

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ADJ   quantitative | more quantitative | most quantitative
ADJ  quantitativ | - | -
quantitativer | quantitative | quantitatives
quantitative {adj}
quantitative {adj}
quantitative {adj}
quantitative {adj}nach der Menge
2 Words: Nouns
quantitative analysisquantitative Analyse {f}
quantitative characteristicquantitatives Merkmal {n}
math. tech. quantitative determinationMengenbestimmung {f}
econ. fin. quantitative easing <QE>quantitative Lockerung {f}
acad. educ. quantitative economics <QE>quantitative Wirtschaftswissenschaft {f}
med. quantitative evidence {sg}quantitative Aussagen {pl}
acad. quantitative financequantitative Finanzwirtschaft {f}
biol. quantitative genetics [treated as sg.]quantitative Genetik {f}
quantitative growthMengenwachstum {n}
quantitative linguistics <QL> [treated as sg.]quantitative Linguistik {f} <QL>
quantitative perimetryquantitative Perimetrie {f}
econ. quantitative planningMengenplanung {f}
quantitative restrictionsMengenbeschränkungen {pl}
quantitative restrictionsmengenmäßige Beschränkungen {pl}
fin. quantitative tightening <QT>Bilanzverkürzung {f} [quantitatives Tightening]
fin. quantitative tightening <QT>quantitative Verknappung {f}
fin. quantitative tightening <QT>quantitatives Tightening {n} <QT>
statistical linguisticsquantitative Linguistik {f}
3 Words: Others
quantitative and qualitative {adj}quantitativ und qualitativ
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. quantitative computed tomography <QCT> [quantitative CT]quantitative Computertomographie {f} <QCT> [quantitative CT]
MedTech. quantitative coronary arteriography <QCA>quantitative Koronararteriografie {f}
MedTech. quantitative coronary arteriography <QCA>quantitative Koronararteriographie {f}
MedTech. quantitative digital radiography <QDR>quantitative digitale Radiographie {f} <QDR>
fin. quantitative impact study <QIS>quantitative Auswirkungsstudie {f}
quantitative relation / relationshipquantitatives Verhältnis {n}
econ. QM quantitative risk analysis <QRA>quantitative Risikoanalyse {f} <QRA>
med. quantitative tremor measurementquantitative Tremormessung {f}
MedTech. quantitative ultrasound <QUS> measurementquantitative Ultraschallmessung {f} <QUS-Messung>
4 Words: Nouns
adjustment for quantitative riskAbwertung {f} wegen Mengenrisiko
MedTech. peripheral quantitative computed tomography <pQCT>periphere quantitative Computertomographie {f} <pQCT>
chem. pharm. quantitative structure-activity relationship <QSAR>quantitative Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehung {f}
5+ Words: Others
from a quantitative and qualitative point of view {adv}in quantitativer und qualitativer Hinsicht
5+ Words: Nouns
ecol. hydro. QM Water quality - Guidelines for quantitative sampling and sample processing of marine soft-bottom macrofaunaWasserbeschaffenheit {f} - Anleitung für die quantitative Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung mariner Weichboden-Makrofauna [DIN EN ISO 16665]
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A 2016-04-14: quantitative suspension test in fairly clean conditions
A 2011-01-18: that would be a quantitative term, similar to "noticable" : nennenswert, m...
A 2010-01-12: I think it is a mistype: "...Quantitative Risikomodelle, die die Welt zuvo...
Q 2009-09-10: quantitative easing (QE
A 2009-03-11: quantitative easing
A 2009-03-11: quantitative Lockerung
A 2009-03-11: quantitative easing
Q 2009-03-11: quantitative easing
A 2009-02-21: Genforschung: quantitative Beurteilung der differentiellen Genexpressionen
Q 2008-12-30: quantitative reasoning
A 2007-12-20: standard set quantity, volume of data, quantitative matrix
A 2007-12-12: http://musingmoney.com/2006/04/20/quantitative-funds-all-the-rage-another-...
A 2007-06-15: den ein um eine Strategiegleichung (policy equation) erweitertes quantitat...
Q 2007-06-15: implied by a quantitative model augmented by a policy equation
A 2006-11-16: oder auch "quantitative restriction(s)"
Q 2004-09-07: "generation" of quantitative data = Erzeugung, Erstellung ......?
A 2003-12-23: ok , but can use 'quantitative/qualitative factors'
Q 2003-12-23: quantitative vs. qualitative Faktoren

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quantitative genetics
quantitative growth

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