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English-German translation for: quantity
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Dictionary English German: quantity

Translation 1 - 50 of 348  >>

English German
NOUN1   a quantity | quantities
NOUN2   quantity | -
SYNO   amount | measure | quantity
Menge {f} [Quantum]
Anzahl {f}
Quantität {f}
math. quantity
Größe {f}
quantity <Qty., QTY, qty., QTY.>
Stückzahl {f}
Betrag {m}
Umfang {m}
Masse {f}
phys. quantitymessbare Größe {f}
2 Words: Others
in quantity {adv}in (größeren) Mengen
in quantity {adv}in großer Stückzahl
quantity-controlled {adj}mengengesteuert
2 Words: Nouns
actual quantityIstmenge {f}
additional quantityZusatzmenge {f}
tech. additional quantityZuschlagmenge {f}
additional quantityzusätzliche Menge {f}
econ. agreed quantityRahmenmenge {f}
air quantityLuftmenge {f}
mil. weapons ammunition quantityMunitionsmenge {f}
analog quantity [Am.]Analoggröße {f}
analog quantity [Am.]analoge Menge {f}
annual quantityJahresmenge {f}
any quantityjegliche Menge {f}
application quantityAuftragsmenge {f}
average quantityDurchschnittsmenge {f}
average quantitydurchschnittliche Menge {f}
basic quantityGrundmenge {f}
med. bone quantityKnochenmasse {f}
biol. bone quantityKnochenquantität {f}
buying quantityBezugsmenge {f}
comm. call quantity [number of items requested]Abrufmenge {f}
electr. characteristic quantitycharakteristische Größe {f}
electr. charge quantityLadungsmenge {f}
coin quantityMünzmenge {f}
phys. conserved quantityErhaltungsgröße {f}
considerable quantitybeträchtliche Menge {f}
constant quantitykonstante Menge {f}
consumed quantityverbrauchte Menge {f}
contract quantityvertraglich vereinbarte Menge {f}
control quantitySteuergröße {f}
electr. correcting quantity [IEC 60050]Korrekturgröße {f} [IEC 60050]
econ. cumulative quantityFortschrittszahl {f}
daily quantityTagesmenge {f}
data quantityDatenmenge {f}
comp. default quantityStandardmenge {f}
deficient quantityunzureichende Menge {f}
comm. delivered quantityLiefermenge {f}
comm. delivery quantityLiefermenge {f}
engin. math. spec. derived quantityabgeleitete Größe {f}
math. phys. dimensionless quantityÄhnlichkeitskennzahl {f} [dimensionslose Kennzahl]
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Q 2020-07-14: Are you lactating in any quantity?
A 2019-12-23: many different terms, depending on conditions like quantity, period of time etc.
A 2019-09-21: ? amount ? quantity
A 2017-09-18: quantity / volume cap , for device protection
A 2014-12-18: Quality beats quantity
Q 2014-12-17: the quantity of the input pin
Q 2014-12-17: physical quantity
A 2014-11-17: Time / quantity
A 2013-03-03: Forgive my directness: the quantity vs- quality argument is not only unhel...
A 2013-03-03: quality/quantity
A 2013-01-24: Agree, quantity over quality.
A 2013-01-17: Translation requires +trafficable quantity+ to be rendered in German, and ...
A 2013-01-17: Quite contrary, are you? The point is that legally +trafficable quantity+ ...
A 2013-01-17: Please see #690867; unless you expressly refer to +drug trafficking+ in t...
A 2013-01-16: traffic(k)able quantity > fit for drug trafficking > Menge für den Drogenhandel
A 2013-01-16: trafficable quantity
Q 2013-01-16: trafficable quantity
A 2012-09-02: oder: quantity measuration
A 2012-04-22: The quantity of modes of different quantum numbers (quantum figures) deter...
A 2011-06-08: subject to quantity variation of plus / minus 10% - - - prepayment less 3%...

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