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English-German translation for: quarters
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Dictionary English German: quarters

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>

English German
NOUN   a quarter | quarters
VERB  to quarter | quartered | quartered
quartering | quarters
SYNO   living quarters | quarters
quarters {pl}
Quartier {n}
quarters {pl}
Unterkunft {f}
Viertel {pl}
Unterkünfte {pl}
Quartale {pl}
quarters [pl.] [unspecified group of people]
Kreise {pl} [nicht organisierte Personengruppe, die etwas vebindet]
curr. quarters [Am.]Vierteldollars {pl} [25-Cent-Stücke]
mil. quarters {pl}Unterkunftsraum {m}
2 Words: Nouns
amusement quarters {pl}Vergnügungsstadtteil {m}
banking quartersBankkreise {pl}
naut. crew's quarters {pl}Logis {n}
naut. crew's quarters {pl}Mannschaftsquartier {n}
fixed quarters {pl}Standquartier {n}
equest. hind quarters {pl}Hinterhand {f} [Pferd]
gastr. lemon quartersZitronenviertel {pl}
gastr. lime quartersLimettenviertel {pl}
living quartersWohneinheiten {pl}
living quarters {pl}Wohnbereich {m}
living quarters {pl}Wohnraum {m}
mil. night quarters {pl}Nachtquartier {n}
mil. night-quarters {pl}Nachtlager {n} [Nachtquartier]
archi. sociol. servant's quarters {pl}Dienstbotenquartier {n}
servant's quarters {pl}Hausdienerstube {f}
archi. sociol. servant's quarters {pl} [on one floor]Dienstbotenetage {f}
archi. servants quarters [of a mansion]Gesindetrakt {m}
servants' quarters {pl}Dienstbotenunterkunft {f} [selten]
servants' quarters {pl}Dienstbotenzimmer {n} [veraltend]
hist. servants' quarters {pl}Gesindehaus {n}
mil. sick quarters {pl}Revier {n}
sleeping quartersSchlafräume {pl}
sleeping quarters {pl}Unterkunft {f}
temporary quarters {pl}Ausweichquartier {n}
three quartersdrei Viertel {pl}
three-quartersDreiviertel {n}
tight quarters {pl}enge Unterkunft {f}
acc. fin. two quarters [first two or last two in a year]Halbjahr {n}
watches Westminster quarters {pl} [clock]Westminsterschlag {m}
orn. zool. winter quarters {pl}Winterquartier {n}
women's quartersFrauenquartiere {pl}
3 Words: Others
at close quarters {adv} [idiom]hautnah [erleben, miterleben]
at close quarters {adv} [idiom]nahebei
at close quarters {adv} [idiom]eng beieinander
at close quarters {adv} [idiom]aus der Nähe
at close quarters {adv} [idiom]aus nächster Nähe
at close quarters {adv} [idiom]ganz in der Nähe
at close quarters {adv} [live, work, etc.]auf engstem Raum [leben, arbeiten etc.]
from all quarters {adv}von überall her
from different quarters {adv}von verschiedenen Seiten
from official quartersvon amtlicher Seite
in business quarters {adv}in Geschäftskreisen
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Q 2020-03-05: 40 quarters of coverage (medical insurance)
A 2016-07-06: three quarters (three parts out of four)
A 2015-04-07: Originally Hobson's choice for the undergraduates: to live in quarters pro...
A 2012-03-04: servant's quarters
Q 2011-06-16: Quarters (Trinkspiel)
A 2011-06-13: Thanks, I'll go with "beef quarters" then!
A 2011-06-13: Agree with wandle's implication that "beef quarters" is the way to go.
Q 2010-10-24: married quarters
A 2010-04-07: 97% is covered, three quarters is/are covered.
A 2009-11-20: tattoo: a drumbeat or bugle call that signals the military to return to th...
A 2009-11-10: lived for three quarters of a year, of just nine month
A 2009-05-04: quarters oder state room, doch state room ist eher recht vornehm
A 2009-04-03: In certain quarters
A 2009-04-03: "von bestimmter Seite+ ist wohl generalisierend gemeint, würde daher beim ...
A 2009-03-06: today's news / writers festival / servants quarters
A 2008-11-12: Into quarters, ie., fold in half twice.
A 2008-11-07: residents of (the) Northern District living quarters/living accommodation
A 2008-10-04: .. for two and three quarterS of an hour ...
A 2008-09-06: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22one+and+three+quarter...
A 2007-12-17: three quarters

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