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English-German translation for: question.
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Dictionary English German: question

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NOUN   a question | questions
VERB  to question | questioned | questioned ... 
SYNO   to call into question | to oppugn ... 
to question sth. [scrutinise, challenge]
etw.Akk. hinterfragen
to question
to question sth. [doubt, contest]
etw.Akk. anzweifeln
to question sth. [doubt]
etw.Akk. bezweifeln
to question sb. [interview, interrogate]
jdn. befragen
law to question sb. [police etc.]
jdn. verhören
law to question sb. [police etc.]
jdn. vernehmen [befragen]
to question sth. [discuss]
etw.Akk. erörtern
to question sb. [quiz, pump]
jdn. ausfragen
law to question sb.jdn. ins Verhör nehmen
to question sth. [put up for debate]etw.Akk. zur Debatte stellen [Redewendung]
to question sth. [query, challenge]etw.Akk. in Frage stellen [Redewendung]
to question sth. [raise a doubt]etw.Akk. in Zweifel ziehen
Frage {f} <Fr.>
question [problem, formulation of a question]
Fragestellung {f}
question [enquiry, query]
Anfrage {f}
Problem {n}
educ. question [problem]
Aufgabe {f} [Problem, Frage]
question [matter, problem]
Sache {f} [Frage, Problem]
comp. QM GQM [initialism for goal, question, metric]Goal Question Metric [ohne Artikel] <GQM>
2 Words: Others
A question arises.Eine Frage ergibt sich.
A question arises.Es stellt sich eine Frage.
beyond question {adj}unstrittig
beyond question {adj}unwiderlegbar
beyond question {adj}unzweifelhaft
beyond question {adj} {adv}zweifellos
beyond question {adj} {adv}außer Zweifel
beyond question {adv}ohne Frage
beyond question {adj} {adv}ohne Zweifel
Good question!Berechtigte Frage!
in question {adj} [postpos.]fraglich
in question {adj} [postpos.]betreffend
in question {adj} [postpos.]betroffen
in question {adj} [postpos.]in Frage kommend
in question {adj} [postpos.] [(being) considered]betreffend [attr.]
in question {adj} [postpos.] [attr.]besagt [attr.]
in question {adj} [postpos.] [idiom]in Rede stehend [bürokrat.] [Redewendung]
in question {adj} [postpos.] [pertinent]einschlägig
question-based {adj}fragenbasiert
without question {adv}fraglos
without question {adv}ohne Frage
2 Words: Verbs
to answer sb.'s questionjds. Frage beantworten
law to cross-questionins Kreuzverhör nehmen
to question indiscreetlyausfratscheln [österr.] [ugs.]
to question oneselfsich selbst in Frage stellen
2 Words: Nouns
abrupt questionunvermittelte Frage {f}
absurd questionabsurde Frage {f}
absurd questionlächerliche Frage {f}
additional questionZusatzfrage {f}
admin. administrative questionVerwaltungsfrage {f} [Verwaltungsproblem]
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Q 2024-11-14: Question of style - the word "recht"
A 2024-11-04: Introduction or interposed question?
Q 2024-04-23: Reflexive Verb question
A 2024-02-28: Your question is?
Q 2024-01-05: Follow-up question about context
A 2023-08-06: AE vs. BE, that is the question...
A 2023-07-12: And what's your question?
A 2023-04-19: Test question.
A 2023-03-29: Please, people, you can discuss the "trans issue" but please mark it as CH...
A 2023-03-26: As John247 registered only yesterday and this was his first question/activ...
A 2023-03-23: Please ask a question.
A 2023-03-19: Excellent question
A 2023-03-01: I don't understand your question. Your examples make no sense.
A 2023-02-27: strange question from liuthar
Q 2023-02-27: translation question
A 2023-02-19: Equally sorry, +aphoenix+ — my 18:00 question referred to RedRufus agreein...
A 2022-12-01: I redid my question, does that work
A 2022-08-07: Does not +familiar question+ as suggested by +Uffiee / 2022-08-01, 11:03+ ...
A 2022-07-16: Thank you all, that definitively answers my question
A 2022-02-15: Good question.

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