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English-German translation for: rail
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Dictionary English German: rail

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NOUN   a rail | rails
VERB  to rail | railed | railed ... 
SYNO   to rail | to rail off | to rail in ... 
to rail
to rail
to rail
to rail [fence, corral]
to rail
medisieren [veraltet]
Unverified to railgeifern [geh.] [pej.] [schimpfen]
rail to railauf Schienen stellen
rail to railmit der Bahn verschicken
constr. furn. rail rail
Schiene {f} [auch Vorhangsschiene etc.]
Geländer {n}
rail rail [one bar of track]
Gleis {n} [selten für: eine einzelne Schiene des Gleises]
rail rail
Eisenbahn {f}
naut. rail
Reling {f}
Leiste {f} [Schiene]
naut. rail
Deckskante {f}
drugs rail [sl.] [of cocaine, heroin, speed]
Line {f} [ugs.] [eine Line Kokain, Heroin, Speed]
orn. T
Ralle {f}
spec. rail [horizontal wood plate]Querfries {n} [horizontal verlaufender Furnierabschnitt]
2 Words: Others
rail by rail {adv}per Schiene
rail by rail {adv}auf dem Schienenweg
rail by rail {adv}mit dem Zug
rail by rail {adv}mit der Bahn
rail by rail {adv}mit der Eisenbahn
rail per rail {adv}mit der Bahn
rail transp. rail-borne {adj}schienengebunden
rail rail-going {adj}schienenfahrbar
rail-guided {adj}schienengeführt
tech. rail-guided {adj}zwangsgeführt [auf Schienen]
rail tech. rail-mounted {adj}gleisgebunden
tech. rail-mounted {adj}schienengebunden
rail-mounted {adj}schienengeführt
rail-movable {adj}schienenverfahrbar
rail-moveable {adj} [spv.]schienenverfahrbar
rail-thin {adj} [Am.] [spv.]spindeldürr
rail third-rail {adj}dreischienig
rail three-rail {adj} [attr.]dreischienig
2 Words: Verbs
to rail against sb.gegen jdn. eifern
to rail against sb./sth.gegen jdn./etw. wettern
to rail against sb./sth.über jdn./etw. schimpfen
to rail against sb./sth.sichAkk. über jdn./etw. aufhalten [entrüsten]
to rail against sth.auf etw.Akk. schimpfen
to rail at sb.jdn. beschimpfen
to rail at sth.gegen etw. wettern
2 Words: Nouns
transp. (rail) trolley [Br.]Draisine {f}
MedTech. accessory railZubehörschiene {f}
mus. back-railhintere Tastenauflage {f} [Clavichord]
mus. balance railWaagebalken {m} [Klaviatur]
archi. RealEst. balcony railBalkongeländer {n}
banister railTreppengeländer {n}
tech. tools base railBasisschiene {f}
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A 2023-04-06: bed rail
A 2023-02-19: railway / track construction site, (rail / track) engineering works
A 2020-11-04: Commuter rail/Commuter train
A 2017-03-28: Dann kenn ich sie als "accessory rail"
A 2016-11-18: Ist nicht üblicherweise +rail / sg.+ > +Schiene?+ http://www.dict.cc/?s=Sc...
A 2016-11-18: Yes, the OED says that a rail is part of a track.
A 2016-09-12: (Fence) rail
Q 2016-08-18: No incline necessary - Not gravity fed. No rail incline needed
A 2016-05-07: meeting rail
Q 2016-02-02: rail weight - Schienenwaage??
A 2014-07-21: Perhaps the Office of Rail Regulation owes its very existence to this conf...
A 2014-07-21: Quite right - UK rail operators may have 28 different terms
Q 2013-12-04: Rail Sub.
A 2012-10-25: rail-framed table
A 2012-09-29: If no one walks in LA, who's using all the Metro rail and bus service?
A 2012-09-17: Rail mail ~ a travelling post office
A 2012-04-13: The generic term could be "rail nut."
A 2012-01-25: Or riser / riser rail - http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&rlz=1T4ADRA_deAT...
A 2011-08-11: Guard rail, safety rail, security rail.
A 2010-12-28: a rail season ticket for a particular route

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