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English-German translation for: rails
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Dictionary English German: rails

Translation 1 - 38 of 38


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NOUN   a rail | rails
VERB  to rail | railed | railed
railing | rails
SYNO   rail | rails | runway | track
rail tech. rails
Schienen {pl}
rail rails {pl} [railroad track]
Gleis {n} [Fahrspur]
Geländer {pl}
orn. T
Rallen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
constr. tech. cover railsAbdeckschienen {pl}
gliding railsGleitschienen {pl}
rail grooved railsRillenschienen {pl}
electr. interconnecting railsReihenleiste {f}
rail iron railsEisenschienen {pl}
rail ribbon rails [Am.]durchgehend geschweißte Eisenbahnschienen {pl}
rail ribbon rails [Am.]durchgehend geschweißte Schienen {pl}
roof railsDachreling {f}
rail running railsLaufschienen {pl}
streetcar rails [Am.]Straßenbahnschienen {pl}
tech. support railsTragschienen {pl}
transp. tram rails [Br.]Straßenbahnschienen {pl}
rail worn railsabgefahrene Schienen {pl}
3 Words: Others
off-the-rails {adj}entgleist
tech. running on rails {adj}schienenverfahrbar
3 Words: Verbs
rail to jump the railsentgleisen
rail to jump the railsaus dem Gleis springen [entgleisen]
rail to jump the railsaus den Schienen springen
rail to leave the railsentgleisen
3 Words: Nouns
rail continuous welded rails <CWR>durchgehend geschweißte Schienen {pl}
rail long welded rails [Br.]durchgehend geschweißte Eisenbahnschienen {pl}
rail long welded rails [Br.]durchgehend geschweißte Schienen {pl}
rail tangle of railsGleiswirrwarr {m} [ugs. häufig {n}]
4 Words: Verbs
rail to go off the railsentgleisen
to go off the rails [coll.] [idiom](völlig) aus dem Gleis geraten [Redewendung]
to go off the rails [coll.] [idiom](völlig) aus dem Gleis kommen [Redewendung]
idiom to go off the rails [things]aus den Fugen geraten [ugs.]
rail to run off the railsentgleisen
to send sb. off the rails [coll.] [idiom]jdn. (ganz) aus dem Gleis bringen [Redewendung]
to send sb. off the rails [coll.] [idiom]jdn. (ganz) aus dem Gleis werfen [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
A train ran off the rails.Ein Zug entgleiste.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be thrown off the rails [also fig. idiom]aus den Gleisen geworfen werden [auch fig. Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
comp. Ruby on Rails® <Rails, RoR> programming languageRuby-on-Rails-Programmiersprache {f} [Ruby on Rails®]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Rails into Laramie [Jesse Hibbs]Aufruhr in Laramie
» See 4 more translations for rails within comments
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Search time: 0.013 sec

A 2016-12-26: Mine rails
A 2016-11-18: On the next rails
A 2016-11-18: .. on the next railS .... ???
A 2016-11-18: rails {pl} - Gleis {n} ??
A 2011-09-18: quarter sawn rails (less prone to cracking than plain / regular sawn rails...
A 2011-08-11: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22side+rails%22+bed&...
A 2010-05-05: More accurately, "rail-splitting" refers to making rails by splitting logs.
A 2009-08-10: segment rails can be fitted under the desk / table top
A 2008-12-16: typo: that on rails lets the ship slide
A 2008-06-08: Agree with *(clothes) rails*
A 2008-06-08: rails?
A 2007-06-19: maybe: completely cleared off the two rails
A 2007-04-09: I would say a gondola is suspended and a car is on rails.
Q 2007-03-28: below the running rails, half t-rolled profiles
A 2007-03-12: Gehts um die Nutzung der Gleise (rails) oder der Trasse (right-of-way)?
A 2007-01-29: bei Feuerwerkern gibt es Zündschienen bzw. ignition rails. Kontextfrage. W...
A 2006-03-27: poster rails / poster hangers (with snap action)
A 2005-03-24: transport rails
Q 2004-02-06: protection rails

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