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English-German translation for: rainfall
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Dictionary English German: rainfall

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
NOUN   a rainfall | rainfalls
SYNO   rain | rainfall
meteo. rainfall {adj} [attr.] [e.g. distribution, excess, intensity, quantity, recorder]Regen- [z. B. Verteilung, Überschuss, Intensität, Menge, Schreiber]
meteo. rainfall
Niederschlag {m}
meteo. rainfall [amount]
Niederschlagsmenge {f}
meteo. rainfall {sg}
Regenfälle {pl}
meteo. rainfall
Regenfall {m}
2 Words: Nouns
annual rainfallJahresniederschlag {m}
meteo. annual rainfalljährlicher Niederschlag {m}
meteo. annual rainfall {sg}jährliche Niederschläge {pl} [in Form von Regen]
meteo. average rainfall {sg}durchschnittliche Niederschläge {pl}
meteo. continuous rainfallDauerregen {m}
meteo. convectional rainfallKonvektionsregen {m}
meteo. frontal rainfallFrontregen {m}
meteo. heavy rainfallStarkniederschlag {m}
meteo. heavy rainfallstarker Regen {m}
meteo. heavy rainfallstarker Regenfall {m}
meteo. heavy rainfall {sg}Starkregenfälle {pl}
meteo. monthly rainfallmonatliche Regenmenge {f}
meteo. normal rainfallnormale Niederschlagsmenge {f}
meteo. normal rainfallnormaler Regenfall {m}
meteo. orographic rainfallSteigungsregen {m}
meteo. rainfall curveNiederschlagskurve {f}
meteo. rainfall distributionNiederschlagsverteilung {f}
hydro. rainfall distributionRegenverteilung {f}
hydro. meteo. rainfall excessRegenüberschuss {m}
meteo. rainfall gradientNiederschlagsgradient {m}
meteo. rainfall indexNiederschlagsindex {m}
meteo. rainfall intensityRegenintensität {f}
meteo. rainfall mapNiederschlagskarte {f}
geogr. meteo. rainfall patternNiederschlagsmuster {n}
meteo. rainfall quantityRegenmenge {f}
meteo. rainfall rateNiederschlagsrate {f} [Regenmenge pro Zeiteinheit]
meteo. rainfall recorderRegenschreiber {m}
meteo. rainfall regimeNiederschlagsregime {n}
hydro. rainfall simulatorRegensimulator {m}
meteo. relief rainfallStauregen {m}
meteo. relief rainfallSteigungsregen {m}
meteo. storm rainfallStarkregen {m}
meteo. total rainfallGesamtniederschlag {m}
3 Words: Others
deficient in rainfall {adj}regenarm [Gegend]
3 Words: Nouns
meteo. (amount of) rainfallRegenmenge {f}
meteo. amount of rainfallNiederschlagshöhe {f}
meteo. amount of rainfallNiederschlagsmenge {f}
deluge of rainfallsintflutartiger Regen {m}
meteo. depth of rainfallRegenhöhe {f}
geogr. meteo. distribution of rainfallNiederschlagsverteilung {f}
meteo. duration of rainfallRegendauer {f}
meteo. equal rainfall lineRegengleiche {f}
meteo. formation of rainfallRegenentstehung {f}
meteo. heavy rainfall eventStarkregenereignis {n}
meteo. heavy rainfall warningUnwetterwarnung {f}
meteo. intensity of rainfallNiederschlagsintensität {f}
meteo. quantity of rainfallRegenmenge {f}
meteo. sum of rainfallNiederschlagssumme {f}
meteo. volume of rainfallRegenmenge {f}
4 Words: Nouns
hydro. meteo. design rain / rainfall intensityBemessungsregenspende {f}
meteo. line of equal rainfallRegengleiche {f}
meteo. month's worth of rainfallMonatsmenge {f} an Regen
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A 2011-09-29: Although it is here in the dictionary, I would avoid +in storm rainfall+ i...
A 2007-10-09: abundant rainfall
A 2007-10-09: with rich rainfall

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