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SEE ALSO recreating |
 | re-creating {adj} | neugestaltend |  |
 | creating {adj} {pres-p} | erstellend |  |
 | creating {adj} {pres-p} | kreierend |  |
 | creating | Schaffung {f} |  |
 | creating {adj} {pres-p} | erzeugend [kreierend] |  |
 | creating {adj} {pres-p} | schaffend [hervorbringend] |  |
 | asset-creating {adj} | vermögenswirksam |  |
 | job-creating {adj} | beschäftigungswirksam |  |
 | self-creating {adj} {pres-p} | selbsterschaffend |  |
 | econ. fin. value-creating {adj} | wertschaffend |  |
 | wealth-creating {adj} | vermögensbildend |  |
 | comp. creating | Einrichten {n} [Verzeichnisse, Projekte] |  |
 | creating a sensation | aufwirbelnd |  |
 | jobs creating jobs | Schaffen {n} von Arbeitsplätzen |  |
 | non-asset-creating {adj} | nicht vermögensbildend |  |
 | econ. jobs pol. job-creating measures | Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen {pl} <ABM> |  |
 | econ. jobs pol. job-creating measures | ABM-Maßnahmen {pl} [ugs.] |  |
Partial Matches |
 | med. rolandic epilepsy <RE> [also: Rolandic epilepsy] | Rolando-Epilepsie {f} <RE> |  |
 | phys. unit Reynolds number <Re> | reynoldssche Zahl {f} <Re> [Reynolds-Zahl] |  |
 | re-test and double re-test | Gegenprobe und doppelte Gegenprobe |  |
 | astron. re-ionization process | Re-Ionisationsprozess {m} [auch: Reionisationsprozess] |  |
 | Eye of Re | Auge {n} des Re |  |
 | hist. lit. Litany of Re | Litanei {f} des Re |  |
 | We're about the same things they're about. | Uns geht es um dasselbe wie ihnen. |  |
 | unit degree Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °R> | Grad {m} {n} Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °Réaumur, °R> |  |
 | You're the one they're after. [chasing] [of a female] | Du bist diejenige, hinter der sie her sind. |  |
 | You're the one they're after. [chasing] [of a male] | Du bist derjenige, hinter dem sie her sind. |  |
 | ecol. renewable energy and energy efficiency <RE/EE> <RE & EE> | erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz |  |
 | pol. re-Islamization | Re-Islamisierung {f} |  |
 | phys. unit Reynolds number <Re> | Reynolds'sche Zahl {f} <Re> [Reynolds-Zahl] |  |
 | med. VetMed. regional enteritis <RE> | regionale Enteritis {f} <RE> |  |
 | engin. unit Reynolds number <Re> | Reynolds-Zahl {f} <Re> |  |
 | film F Re-Animator [Stuart Gordon] | Re-Animator |  |
 | quote Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you. [used by Kurt Cobain; attributed to Henry Kissinger] | Nur weil du paranoid bist, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass sie nicht hinter dir her sind. |  |
 | med. atrio-ventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia <AV-nodal re-entrant tachycardia, AVNRT> | atrioventrikuläre Knoten-Reentrytachykardie {f} <AV-Knoten-Reentrytachykardie, AVNRT> |  |
 | film F Bride of Re-Animator [Brian Yuzna] | Bride of Re-Animator |  |
 | film F Before the Devil Knows You're Dead [Sidney Lumet] | Tödliche Entscheidung – Before the Devil Knows You're Dead |  |
 | re- {prefix} | re- |  |
 | re {prep} | betreffend |  |
 | comm. re {prep} | betreffs |  |
 | re- {prefix} | neu- |  |
 | re- {prefix} | Neu- |  |
 | re- {prefix} | wieder- |  |
 | chem. rhenium <Re> | Rhenium {n} <Re> |  |
 | spec. re-audit | Re-Audit {n} |  |
 | games redouble [skat] | Re {n} |  |
 | econ. spec. reengineering | Re-Engineering {n} |  |
 | re-adjustable {adj} | nachjustierbar |  |
 | re-echoed {adj} | widerhallend |  |
 | re-echoing {adj} | widerhallend |  |

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