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English-German translation for: re-loader
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Dictionary English German: re loader

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med. rolandic epilepsy <RE> [also: Rolandic epilepsy]Rolando-Epilepsie {f} <RE>
phys. unit Reynolds number <Re>reynoldssche Zahl {f} <Re> [Reynolds-Zahl]
re-test and double re-testGegenprobe und doppelte Gegenprobe
astron. re-ionization processRe-Ionisationsprozess {m} [auch: Reionisationsprozess]
Eye of ReAuge {n} des Re
hist. lit. Litany of ReLitanei {f} des Re
We're about the same things they're about.Uns geht es um dasselbe wie ihnen.
unit degree Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °R>Grad {m} {n} Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °Réaumur, °R>
You're the one they're after. [chasing] [of a female]Du bist diejenige, hinter der sie her sind.
You're the one they're after. [chasing] [of a male]Du bist derjenige, hinter dem sie her sind.
transp. loaderBelader {m}
loaderFrontlader {m}
comp. loaderLadeprogramm {n}
comp. tech. loaderLader {m}
mil. loaderLadeschütze {m}
comp. loaderProgrammlader {m}
loaderSchaufellader {m}
ecol. renewable energy and energy efficiency <RE/EE> <RE & EE>erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz
pol. re-IslamizationRe-Islamisierung {f}
jobs loader [person]Ladearbeiter {m}
constr. (wheel) loaderRadlader {m}
absolute loaderAbsolutlader {m}
backhoe loaderBaggerlader {m}
backhoe-loaderBaggerlader {m}
tech. bar loaderStangenlademagazin {n}
tech. bar loaderStangenlader {m}
binary loaderBinärlader {m}
comp. bootstrap loaderLadeprogramm {n}
comp. bootstrap loaderUrladeprogramm {n}
weapons breech-loaderHinterlader {m}
card loaderKartenlader {m}
biochem. clamp loaderKlammerlader {m}
cutter-loaderMählader {m}
excavator loaderLadebagger {m}
film loaderFilmlader {m}
front-loaderFrontlader {m}
ind. tech. gantry loaderPortallader {m}
initial loaderAnfangslader {m}
lehr loaderKühlofenbeschicker {m}
comp. loader programLadeprogramm {n}
comp. loader programLader {m}
automot. transp. low loaderTieflader {m}
weapons muzzle-loaderVorderlader {m}
pallet loaderGabellader {m}
comp. tech. parameter loaderParameterlader {m}
comp. program loaderProgrammlader {m}
ship loaderSchiffsbelader {m}
shovel loaderFrontlader {m}
shovel loaderSchaufellader {m}
automot. transp. side loaderSeitenlader {m}
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