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English-German translation for: reaching
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Dictionary English German: reaching

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
NOUN   a reaching | reachings
VERB  to reach | reached | reached
reaching | reaches
SYNO   arrival | reaching | reach | stretch
reaching {adj} {pres-p}
reaching {adj}
ergreifend [Gegenstand, Hand etc.]
reaching {adj}
reaching {adj} {pres-p}
reaching [aim, place / position, agreement, etc.]
Erreichen {n} [Ziel, Ort / Position, Einigung etc.] [Erreichung]
2 Words: Others
far reaching {adj}tiefgreifend
far reaching {adj}weitreichend
far-reaching {adj}folgenschwer
far-reaching {adj}tiefgehend
far-reaching {adj}weitgehend
far-reaching {adj}weitgreifend
far-reaching {adj}weitreichend
far-reaching {adj}weittragend
far-reaching {adj}(weit) ausgreifend
far-reaching {adj}tief greifend
far-reaching {adj}weit greifend
far-reaching {adj}weit reichend
far-reaching {adj}weit tragend
far-reaching {adj} [momentous]einschneidend [Wirkung, Folgen etc.]
farther-reaching {adj}weiterreichend
further reaching {adj}weiterreichend
reaching out {adj}hinausreichend
sky-reaching {adj}himmelhoch
sky-reaching {adj}himmelhohe
wide-reaching {adj}weitreichend
2 Words: Nouns
naut. reaching legUmwindstrecke {f}
philos. spec. reaching outAusgriff {m}
3 Words: Others
After reaching home, [I] ...Als ich zu Hause ankam, ...
before reaching the ... {prep}vor (dem) Erreichen der / des ...
more far-reaching {adj}weiterreichend
most far-reaching {adj}weitestreichend
reaching an agreementübereinkommend
3 Words: Nouns
far-reaching deregulationsweit gehende Deregulierungen {pl}
law reaching a verdictUrteilsfindung {f}
sports reaching the finalFinaleinzug {m}
sports reaching the finalsEndrundeneinzug {m}
law reaching the verdictUrteilsfindung {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to have far-reaching consequencesvon großer Tragweite sein
4 Words: Nouns
far-reaching structural changeweitreichender Strukturwandel {m}
sports reaching the quarter-finalsViertelfinaleinzug {m}
sports reaching the semi-finalHalbfinaleinzug {m}
sports reaching the semi-finalsHalbfinaleinzug {m}
5+ Words: Others
reaching down to the back {adj} [postpos.] [hair, pigtail]rückenlang
5+ Words: Nouns
meteo. precipitation reaching surface near but not at station [WMO code 16]Niederschlag {m} in der Nähe [< 5 km, aber nicht an der Station]
meteo. precipitation reaching the surface in distance [WMO code 15]Niederschlag {m} in der Ferne [> 5 km]
meteo. precipitation within sight not reaching surface [WMO code 14]Niederschlag {m} im Gesichtskreis, nicht den Boden erreichend [resp. Wasseroberfläche]
reaching area of the handsGriffbereich {m}
reaching area of the handsReichweite {f} der Hände
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Reaching for the Stars [Nora Waln]Der Griff nach den Sternen
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A 2022-11-24: far-reaching / complex / elaborate questions
A 2017-04-12: could feel something reaching out for his soul
Q 2012-10-21: reaching the libertarian conclusion
A 2012-06-21: Outreach trining involves 'reaching out' to the less specialised units,
Q 2011-11-06: Text über Baumaschine (Abgabetermin Dienstag 9 Uhr) - "reaching" unbekannt...
A 2010-08-20: ...reaching a goal
A 2010-08-20: It's just the wrong word used for 'erreichen' , i.e. an incorrect translat...
A 2010-08-03: regularly check for the carbon brushes reaching their service limit
Q 2009-11-20: Reaching parts others cannot reach
Q 2009-10-09: balance sheet reaching XXX Mrd. USD
A 2009-08-13: like - prices are reaching the bottom ?
A 2009-07-16: Don't know the DE expression, but yes, 'reaching the finals' is the idea.
A 2009-04-02: As it is, the City of X boasts a far-reaching tradition within the framewo...
A 2008-12-05: far-reaching concessions
A 2008-11-18: broad / far-reaching insensitivity
A 2008-07-01: He makes +compromises+ for the sake of reaching goals
A 2008-06-25: any design reaching the limiting values ???
A 2008-06-24: wide-reaching overview?
A 2008-04-25: just use "warm" - tepid would imply it should be hot, but was allowed to c...
A 2008-01-04: with Müller reaching the same conclusion

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• reaching
reaching an agreement
reaching area of the hands
reaching a verdict
reaching down to the back
Reaching for the Stars
reaching leg
reaching out
reaching the final
reaching the finals
reaching the quarter-finals

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