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English-German translation for: readiness
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Dictionary English German: readiness

Translation 1 - 50 of 83  >>

English German
NOUN   readiness | -
SYNO   facility | readiness | readiness | set ... 
Bereitschaft {f}
Bereitwilligkeit {f}
Geneigtheit {f} [Bereitschaft]
readiness [quickness, promptness]
Gewandtheit {f} [Behändigkeit, Wendigkeit]
readinessFreudigkeit {f} [selten] [Bereitwilligkeit]
2 Words: Others
in readiness {adv}in Bereitschaft
2 Words: Verbs
to signal readinessBereitschaft signalisieren
2 Words: Nouns
battle readinessKampfbereitschaft {f}
mil. combat readinessEinsatzbereitschaft {f} [Gefechtsbereitschaft] <EB>
combat readinessKampfbereitschaft {f}
mil. combat readinessKriegstüchtigkeit {f}
delivery readinessLieferbereitschaft {f}
mil. firing readinessFeuerbereitschaft {f}
aviat. ground readinessEinsatzbereitschaft {f}
econ. fin. stocks investment readinessInvestitionsbereitschaft {f}
mil. launch readiness [weaponry]Abschussbereitschaft {f}
mil. TrVocab. march readinessMarschbereitschaft {f}
operational readinessBetriebsbereitschaft {f}
operational readinessEinsatzfähigkeit {f}
operational readiness [logistics]Einsatzbereitschaft {f} [Versorgung]
tech. operative readinessFunktionsfähigkeit {f}
biol. med. readiness potential <RP>Bereitschaftspotential {n} <BP>
educ. school readinessSchulfähigkeit {f}
school readinessSchulreife {f}
travel readinessReisebereitschaft {f}
med. vaccination readinessImpfbereitschaft {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to keep in readinessparat halten
3 Words: Nouns
buyer readiness stageAnschaffungsbereitschaft {f} [Konsumforschung]
buyer readiness stageKaufbereitschaft {f} [Markt-/Konsumforschung]
mil. defense readiness condition [Am.] <DEFCON>Verteidigungsbereitschaftszustand {m} <DEFCON>
notice of readinessBereitschaftserklärung {f} eines Schiffes unter Charter
readiness for actionEinsatzbereitschaft {f}
readiness for battleKampfbereitschaft {f}
readiness for changeVeränderungsbereitschaft {f}
readiness for dutyEinsatzbereitschaft {f}
MedTech. readiness for exposureAufnahmebereitschaft {f}
RealEst. readiness for occupancyBezugsfertigkeit {f}
readiness for peaceFriedensbereitschaft {f}
ind. readiness for productionProduktionsbereitschaft {f}
readiness for useEinsatzbereitschaft {f} [Technik]
readiness for warKriegsbereitschaft {f}
readiness for workArbeitsbereitschaft {f}
readiness of speechRedegewandtheit {f}
readiness to actHandlungsbereitschaft {f}
readiness to assimilateAnpassungsbereitschaft {f}
readiness to buyKaufbereitschaft {f}
readiness to compromiseKompromissbereitschaft {f}
readiness to dieTodesbereitschaft {f}
naut. readiness to dischargeLöschbereitschaft {f}
readiness to helpHilfsbereitschaft {f}
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A 2011-07-19: Execution Readiness is the ability of an organization to implement an exec...
Q 2011-07-18: Execution readiness report
A 2010-11-13: Isn't it the readiness on the part of the wrongdoers to repent which norma...
A 2009-03-19: as a noun: readiness for delivery
A 2008-11-12: sample readiness sounds good. thanls
A 2008-11-12: sample stage ? sample readiness ?
A 2007-12-12: More specifically: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=%22alarm+readin...
A 2007-12-12: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=alarm+readiness&meta=
A 2007-12-08: readiness for testing ?
A 2007-05-31: willingness/readiness for educational mobility
Q 2006-09-28: readiness for market
A 2006-09-20: Susceptibility to being excerpted? Excerpt-readiness?
A 2004-03-22: to make o s ready, readiness??
A 2004-03-02: notification of readiness to dispatch
A 2004-03-02: upon notification of readiness to ship ?
A 2003-09-02: readiness to ignite

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