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English-German translation for: real money
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Dictionary English German: real money

Translation 1 - 50 of 2214  >>

real moneyechtes Geld {n}
real moneyEchtgeld {n}
Partial Matches
biotech. real-time polymerase chain reaction <real-time PCR>Echtzeit-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion {f} <Echtzeit-PCR>
audio real-ear / real ear measurement <REM>Echtohrmessung {f}
econ. fin. electronic money <e-money>elektronisches Geld {n} <E-Geld>
real {adj}eigentlich
real {adj}faktisch
real {adj}genuin [geh.]
real {adj}real
math. real {adj}reell
real {adj}regelrecht
real {adj}richtig
real {adj}tatsächlich
real {adj}wahr
real {adj}wahrhaft [geh.] [wirklich]
real {adj}waschecht [fig.]
real {adj}wirklich
[the] real[das] Echte {n}
psych. the realdas Reale {n}
Get real.Sei realistisch!
more real {adj}wirklicher
most real {adj}wirklichste
math. real analytic {adj}reell analytisch
real-time {adj}Echtzeit-
math. real-valued {adj}reellwertig
to become realsich erfüllen [Wunsch]
idiom to get realaufwachen
acc. real accountBestandskonto {n}
real accountSachwertkonto {n}
acc. real accountsBestandskonten {pl}
acc. real accountsSachkonten {pl}
law real actiondingliche Klage {f}
real addresstatsächliche Adresse {f}
math. sociol. real analysisRealanalyse {f}
mus. real answerreale Beantwortung {f} [Fuge: intervallgetreu]
art real artwahre Kunst {f}
real artistwahrer Künstler {m}
real assetImmobiliarvermögen {n}
real assetsGrundbesitz {m}
real assetsLiegenschaften {pl}
brew real attenuationwirklicher Vergärungsgrad {m}
math. real axisreelle Achse {f}
gastr. real butterTeebutter {f} [österr., veraltend]
real capitalRealkapital {n}
real capitalSachkapital {n}
real causeeigentliche Ursache {f}
real causewahrer Grund {m}
real characterechter Charakter {m}
real characterwahrer Charakter {m}
gastr. real coffeeBohnenkaffee {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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