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English-German translation for: real-time
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Dictionary English German: real time

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SEE ALSO  realtime
med. MedTech. real-time ultrasonography <RTU>Real-Time-Ultraschall {m}
med. MedTech. real-time ultrasound <RTU>Real-Time-Ultraschall {m}
biotech. real-time polymerase chain reaction <real-time PCR>Echtzeit-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion {f} <Echtzeit-PCR>
real-time {adj}Echtzeit-
real timeEchtzeit {f}
comp. real timeRealtime {f}
real timeRealzeit {f}
market. tech. real-time capable {adj}echtzeitfähig
electr. MedTech. real time telemetryEchtzeittelemetrie {f}
spec. real-time analysisEchtzeitanalyse {f}
real-time clockAbsolutzeitgeber {m}
comp. electr. real-time clock <RTC>Real-Time-Clock {f} <RTC>
real-time detectionEchtzeitdetektion {f}
MedTech. real-time exposureEchtzeitaufnahme {f}
phys. real-time formalismRealzeitformalismus {m}
comp. real-time imageEchtzeitbild {n}
MedTech. real-time imagingEchtzeitbildgebung {f}
real-time inputEchtzeiteingabe {f}
comp. real-time interruptEchtzeitunterbrechung {f}
comp. tech. real-time modeEchtzeitbetrieb {m}
comp. tech. real-time modeEchtzeitmodus {m}
real-time operationEchtzeitverarbeitung {f}
real-time outputEchtzeitausgabe {f}
real-time processingEchtzeitbetrieb {m}
real-time processingEchtzeitverarbeitung {f}
real-time processingSofortverarbeitung {f}
real-time pulseAbsolutzeitimpuls {m}
comp. MedTech. real-time renderingEchtzeitrendern {n}
comp. real-time scannerEchtzeitscanner {m}
real-time simulatorEchtzeitsimulator {m}
real-time systemEchtzeitsystem {n}
tech. real-time transmissionDirektübertragung {f}
real-time transmissionEchtzeitübermittlung {f}
comp. near real-timeNahe-Echtzeit {f}
real time program [Am.]Echtzeitprogramm {n}
real-time behaviour [Br.]Echtzeitverhalten {n}
Internet telecom. real-time communications <RTC>Echtzeitkommunikation {f}
comp. real-time computer <RTC>Echtzeitcomputer {m}
MedTech. real-time detectorEchtzeit-Detektor {m}
real-time imagesEchtzeit-Bilder {pl}
fin. real-time payment <RTP>Echtzeitzahlung {f}
real-time processingschritthaltende Datenverarbeitung {f}
QM spec. real-time release <RTR>Echtzeitfreigabe {f}
MedTech. tech. real-time trackingEchtzeit-Verfolgung {f}
comp. real-time clock frequencyEchtzeittaktfrequenz {f}
real-time data collectionEchtzeitdatenerfassung {f}
real-time data processingProzessdatenverarbeitung {f}
real-time data systemEchtzeitdatensystem {n}
comp. MedTech. real-time image processingEchtzeitbildverarbeitung {f}
comp. electr. engin. real-time image transmissionEchtzeitbildübertragung {f}
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A 2014-02-16: Google: "real time control" manufacture
A 2009-11-25: can be monitored in real time
A 2009-11-25: in real time
A 2009-10-02: @mwk Yes, thanks, but is 'in real time' an OK translation in this context?
A 2009-10-02: @Bunsenlecker - the original sentence is in German. I want to know if 'in ...
A 2009-10-02: don't know whether it is in real time .... ;))
A 2009-10-02: immediately / promptly / directly - yes, but would you say that 'in real t...
Q 2009-10-02: aktuell = in real time? (in context below)
Q 2007-08-27: global real time electronic communication 24/7
A 2007-06-21: Heißt das dann nicht "real time"?
Q 2006-05-18: Patenttext über Email-Rundsendesystem (E-D): "RTP (Real Time Transport Pro...
A 2004-11-10: inline oder real time
A 2004-09-28: Real time ability
A 2004-03-30: Displaying in real time ONGOIN judgement= Messwertablesung in Echtzeit
Q 2004-03-30: Displaying in real time GOING judgment, Cpk, control chart etc.

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