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English-German translation for: received
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Dictionary English German: received

Translation 1 - 50 of 111  >>

English German
VERB  to receive | received | received ... 
SYNO   received | standard
received {adj} {past-p}
received {adj} {past-p} <recd., rec'd.>
sb. received
jd. erhielt
fin. received {adj} {past-p}
received {adj} {past-p}
received {adj} [accepted, standard]
received {adj} {past-p}
eingegangen [Briefe, Zahlungen etc.]
sb. received
jd. empfing
received {adj} {past-p} [book, film, etc.]
received {adj} [accepted, standard]allgemein akzeptiert
2 Words: Others
amount received {past-p}Betrag erhalten
cash receivedBetrag in bar erhalten
commonly-received {adj} [notion, doctrine, etc.]vorherrschend [Ansicht, Doktrin etc.]
duly received {adj}ordnungsgemäß eingegangen
payment receivedBetrag erhalten
econ. Payment received.Zahlung eingegangen.
received at ... [e.g. received at the disposal facility]Eingang bei ... [z. B. Eingang bei der Beseitigungsanlage]
received later {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]später eingehend
recently receivedkürzlich erhalten
value receivedGegenwert erhalten
well-received {past-p} [idea, speech etc.]gut angekommen [Idee, Rede, etc.]
when received {adv}nach Eingang
2 Words: Verbs
to be receivedempfangen werden
to be received [goods, mail etc.]einlaufen [Waren, Post etc.]
to be received [mail etc.]eingehen [Post etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
acc. advances receivederhaltene Anzahlungen {pl} [in Bilanz]
amount receivederhaltener Betrag {m}
amounts receivederhaltene Beträge {pl}
assets {pl} receivedFinanzanlagenzugang {m}
discounts receivedLiefererskonto {n}
documents receivedeingegangene Dokumente {pl}
documents receivederhaltene Dokumente {pl}
information receivedempfangene Information {f}
moneys receivedeingenommene Gelder {pl}
order receivedzugegangener Auftrag {m}
comm. orders {pl} receivedBestelleingang {m} [eingegangene Aufträge]
orders receivedeingegangene Aufträge {pl}
payment receivederhaltene Zahlung {f}
payments receivedZahlungseingänge {pl}
payments receivederhaltene Zahlungen {pl}
received beliefallgemeiner Glaube {m}
received bitEmpfangsbit {n}
comp. received byteEmpfangsbyte {n}
received dataEmpfangsdaten {pl}
received meaningakzeptierte Meinung {f}
received messageempfangene Nachricht {f}
received opinionSchulmeinung {f}
received powerLeistungsaufnahme {f}
received pronunciationanerkannte Aussprache {f}
ling. received pronunciation <RP>britische Standardaussprache {f}
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A 2019-03-15: Did you receive the parcel? - Yes (No), I have (not) received the parcel
A 2019-02-07: Fees and services received by local authorities
A 2018-09-28: Perhaps simply, +in the n quarter we have (so far) received / taken n orders+
A 2018-04-06: Just a confirmation that they received your application. Probably automatic.
A 2017-11-02: Books received, thks a lot.
A 2016-09-14: One wonders, Catesse, how much money the poor druges having to scan the to...
A 2016-07-13: identification of telephone subscribers on the basis of calls made and received
A 2016-06-18: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22Unfortunately+we+have+not+received+any+*+fr...
A 2016-02-15: Related issues: educated vs uneducated, +received pronunciation+ vs region...
A 2016-01-04: EN +acception+ als +Wortbedeutung / Wortsinn+ -- received meaning --
A 2015-12-16: We want to thank you for having received our daughter in your family with ...
A 2014-12-13: https://www.google.de/#q=%22when+the+news+was+received+in+*+that+*%22&start=0
A 2014-12-13: when the news was received ...
A 2014-12-13: when the news was received in Vienna that ... (?)
A 2014-01-24: a book which has received much attention
A 2013-12-19: The following is help I received from the forum of another site
A 2013-10-27: Got/received
A 2013-10-26: I received an SMS.............
A 2013-09-25: ... commissions received from investment companies
A 2013-09-12: ddr's "received" is much better

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