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English-German translation for: recipient
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Dictionary English German: recipient

Translation 1 - 50 of 77  >>

English German
NOUN   a recipient | recipients
SYNO   recipient | recipient role | receiver
recipient {adj}
recipient {adj} [e.g. recipient government]
empfangend [z. B. empfangende Regierung]
Empfänger {m}
Adressat {m}
Bezieher {m}
Rezipient {m}
recipient [female]
Empfängerin {f}
Abnehmer {m} [Empfänger]
spec. recipientPerzipient {m} [fachspr.]
ling. recipient [semantic relation]Rezipiens {n} [semantische Rolle]
2 Words: Others
recipient-oriented {adj} [with persons only]empfängerorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
authorized recipientEmpfangsbevollmächtigter {m}
law authorized recipientZustellungsbevollmächtigter {m}
award recipientPreisträger {m}
award recipient [female]Preisträgerin {f}
benefit recipientLeistungsempfänger {m}
benefit recipientUnterstützungsempfänger {m}
benefit recipientEmpfänger {m} einer Zuwendung
insur. capital recipientKapitalbezüger {m} [schweiz.] [Kapitalbezieher]
care recipientPflegebedürftiger {m}
care recipient [client, e.g. patient, elderly or disabled people in nursing homes]Pflegeempfänger {m} [Patient, Klient, Heimbewohner]
care recipient [female]Pflegebedürftige {f}
Internet email recipientE-Mail-Empfänger {m}
Internet email recipient [female]E-Mail-Empfängerin {f}
final recipientEndempfänger {m}
goods recipientWarenempfänger {m}
law information recipientInformationsempfänger {m}
intended recipientvorgesehener Empfänger {m}
comm. fin. invoice recipientRechnungsempfänger {m}
message recipientMitteilungsempfänger {m}
med. organ recipientOrganempfänger {m}
med. organ recipient [female]Organempfängerin {f}
power recipientAnschlussnehmer {m}
VetMed. recipient animalEmpfängertier {n}
admin. econ. pol. recipient authorityEmpfängerbehörde {f} [bes. von Entwicklungshilfe]
med. recipient bed [transplantation surgery]Empfängerbett {n} [Transplantationsmedizin]
biol. recipient cellEmpfängerzelle {f}
biol. recipient cellRezipientenzelle {f}
recipient countriesEmpfängerländer {pl}
pol. recipient countryEmpfängerland {n} [Entwicklungshilfe]
recipient depotEmpfangsdepot {n}
ling. recipient languageNehmersprache {f}
recipient nation [funds, arms, etc.]Nehmerland {n}
recipient undertakingbegünstigtes Unternehmen {n}
med. transplant recipientTransplantatempfänger {m}
comp. Internet undisclosed recipientverborgener Empfänger {m}
med. vaccine recipientImpfling {m} [zu impfende oder gerade geimpfte Person]
welfare recipientSozialhilfeempfänger {m}
econ. sociol. welfare recipient [esp. Am.]Sozialhilfebezieher {m}
welfare recipient [female]Sozialhilfeempfängerin {f}
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Q 2024-02-24: Use of "ich" for recipient of action in 1888 sermon
Q 2020-06-11: +Recipient = Empfänger+?
Q 2014-06-27: Recipient may reassign its employees
A 2014-04-19: May also depend on the bulk of the recipient ...
A 2013-06-05: Unclear recipient of the message
A 2013-05-26: Is the duke addressing recipient, or referring to someone else?
A 2011-05-31: You can't expect your American recipient to know what the German term means.
Q 2010-09-20: Recipient of the invoice is liable for the payment of VAT to the tax authority.
A 2010-07-22: Don't, then. I'm pretty sure the recipient will be happier about good pros...
A 2010-06-15: automatically; recipient; obliged to effect/make payment(s)
A 2010-04-21: Grrr would be perfectly understandable for a German recipient.
A 2010-01-28: The recipient of the service is liable for VAT
A 2009-05-02: the transferee is the company which is the recipient of the transfer
A 2009-02-10: Moreover, in a world that has seemingly become wholly transparent, the rec...
A 2009-01-29: Empfängerknospe > recipient / receiving bud
A 2008-08-31: Thanks, it's recipient of services here
A 2008-08-30: its usually recipient, beneficiary...try the UBS site
A 2008-06-01: Recipient(s)
A 2008-02-28: Accepted on behalf Recipient by representative
A 2008-02-28: Acceptance by representative, on behalf of the recipient

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