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English-German translation for: recognized
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Dictionary English German: recognized

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
ADJ   recognized | more recognized | most recognized
VERB  to recognize | recognized | recognized ... 
SYNO   recognised | recognized | accepted ... 
recognized {adj} {past-p}
recognized {past-p}
recognized {adj} {past-p}
recognized {adj} {past-p}
sb. recognized
jd. erkannte
[they] recognized
[sie] erkannten
2 Words
legally recognized {adj}rechtlich anerkannt
law legally recognized {adj}rechtskräftig anerkannt
nationally recognized {adj}national anerkannt
not recognized {adj}nicht anerkannt
officially recognized {adj}staatlich anerkannt
scientifically recognized {adj}wissenschaftlich anerkannt
pol. recognized refugeeanerkannter Flüchtling {m} [Asylberechtigter]
educ. recognized schoolanerkannte Schule {f}
recognized trade(anerkannter) Ausbildungsberuf {m}
3 Words
without being recognized {adv}unerkannt
med. clinically recognized illnessklinisch anerkannte Krankheit {f}
recognized air picture <RAP>Luftlagebild {n}
ling. pol. recognized regional languageanerkannte Regionalsprache {f}
4 Words
It is recognized that ...Es ist anerkannt, dass ...
It is recognized that ...Es wird anerkannt, dass ...
sb./sth. has been recognized as ...jd./etw. ist als ... erkannt worden
tech. recognized rules of engineeringanerkannte Regeln {pl} der Technik
worthiness of being recognizedAnerkennungswürdigkeit {f}
5+ Words
it is generally recognized that sb. is ...jd. ist anerkanntermaßen ...
telecom. The number you have dialled has not been recognized. [Br.]Diese Rufnummer ist nicht bekannt.
comm. recognized custom of the tradeVerkehrssitte {f} unter Kaufleuten
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A 2018-11-24: [FCI recognized dog breed] oder andere Züchterverbände
A 2017-12-18: ? +reconciliation of the assets and liabilities recognized in the balance sheet+
A 2015-07-07: Claim was only a wording i recognized first.
A 2014-09-03: All I can think of is "total/sum recognized in the balance sheet" ... but ...
A 2012-09-18: It has long been recognized that in terms of this division, physics is the...
A 2012-04-18: "Night of Excellence" usually means an evening social function during whic...
A 2011-09-24: That I recognized, too, but my question was a bit different, if not absurd...
A 2011-04-30: Perhaps a person's fate is sometimes plain to see long before it's recognized
Q 2011-04-21: recognized as a "Who's Who"
Q 2010-08-05: Globally Recognized Words?
A 2010-04-28: are recognized as expenses/expenditures
A 2010-02-24: on a well recognized QM system/method
A 2010-02-24: I think it's wonderful to see such things as the audio recordings recognized.
A 2010-02-07: the group is recognized for its expertise in their fields of study?
A 2009-09-22: @Bac: recognized reimt sich auf civilized.
A 2009-09-22: His regular speeches at international conferences make him a recognized expert.
A 2008-11-13: what about (widely) recognized ? or influential ?
A 2008-10-24: Meanwhile so-called soft factors have been recognized to condition this pr...
A 2008-08-04: I'd use 'internationally recognized'
A 2008-06-07: @Dwight - thanks, I would never have recognized this as an English term

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recognized regional language
recognized school
recognized trade
recognize in Germany
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