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English-German translation for: recommend
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Dictionary English German: recommend

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
VERB  to recommend | recommended | recommended ... 
SYNO   to commend | to recommend | to advocate ... 
to recommend
to recommend sth.
etw. empfehlen
to recommend
to recommend
to recommend sb./sth.
jdn./etw. anempfehlen [geh.]
to recommend
rekommandieren [altertümlich] [empfehlen]
2 Words: Others
sb. would recommendjd. empfähle
sb. would recommendjd. empföhle
2 Words: Verbs
to fully recommenduneingeschränkt empfehlen
to recommend against sth.von etw. abraten
comm. to recommend buying sth.eine Kaufempfehlung für etw.Akk. aussprechen
to recommend cautionzur Vorsicht raten
to recommend doing sth.zu etw.Dat. raten
to recommend doing sth.empfehlen, etw. zu tun
market. to recommend friendsFreundschaftswerbung betreiben [Freunde empfehlen]
to recommend sth. to sb.jdm. etw. empfehlen
to warmly recommendwärmstens empfehlen
3 Words: Verbs
to recommend a bookein Buch empfehlen
market. publ. to recommend a friendeinen Freund werben
to recommend a priceeinen Preis empfehlen
to recommend a restaurantein Restaurant empfehlen
to recommend a servanteinen Dienstboten empfehlen
to recommend sb. to do sth.jdm. etw. anraten
to recommend sb. to do sth.jdm. zu etw.Dat. raten
to recommend sth. for doing sth.etw. für etw.Akk. empfehlen
to recommend to amalgamateeinen Zusammenschluss empfehlen
4 Words: Others
gastr. TrVocab. What would you recommend?Was können Sie empfehlen? [formelle Anrede]
4 Words: Verbs
to recommend investing in fundsAnlage in Fonds empfehlen
to recommend sb. for a postjdn. für eine Stelle empfehlen
5+ Words: Others
Can you recommend this company?Würden Sie diese Firma weiterempfehlen? [formelle Anrede]
gastr. TrVocab. Is there a restaurant you can recommend? [asked by one person]Können Sie mir ein Restaurant empfehlen? [formelle Anrede]
gastr. TrVocab. Is there a restaurant you can recommend? [asked by two or more people]Können Sie uns ein Restaurant empfehlen? [formelle Anrede]
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A 2023-06-08: I recommend the earlier Gruffalo books (for approximately 2 to 6 year olds)
Q 2021-01-20: Apparently, he thought its thesis had much to recommend itself...
Q 2018-11-18: What German Christmas biscuits do you recommend to make yourself?
A 2017-08-13: @Hello1223: may I recommend another show? ;)
A 2016-08-05: In avoidance of reading the article, I strongly recommend reading the book.
Q 2016-05-20: I would recommend myself for the future
A 2016-04-19: I can't personally recommend one.
A 2016-03-18: For the happy desktop user I recommend Linux Mint
A 2016-02-25: It is theoretically possible, but I wouldn't recommend using it too much.
A 2016-01-28: https://www.google.de/#q=%22I+can+recommend+anyone+to+work+with+her%22
A 2015-09-15: We recommend initiating the first steps of cleaning as follows...
Q 2015-08-12: Can Anyone Recommend An English Book For Self Study?
A 2015-01-04: Can anybody recommend a good reference guide for questions like this?
A 2013-09-18: I wouldn't recommend it.
A 2013-06-18: Retaining "[esp. Br.]" particularly for the spelling variants has much to ...
A 2013-02-11: I recommend myself to your favour (which has the advantage of being googleable)
A 2013-02-11: Re: "I recommend myself to your benevolence" and variations thereon were p...
A 2013-02-11: "I recommend myself to your benevolence" and variations thereon were popul...
A 2012-03-21: recommend sth. for its ... – nicht ganz wörtlich, aber so ist es wohl geme...
Q 2012-03-21: recommend sth. for its ...

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