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Dictionary English German: red

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ADJ   red | redder | reddest
NOUN   a red | reds
red {adj}
pol. red {adj}rot [kommunistisch, sozialistisch]
Rot {n}
pol. Red [female] [coll.] [Marxist / Communist etc.]
Rote {f} [ugs.]
geogr. geol. LaurussiaOld-Red-Kontinent {m} [Laurussia]
acc. redrote Zahlen {pl}
pol. Red [coll.] [Marxist / Communist etc.]Roter {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
amaranth red {adj}amarant [indekl.] [dunkelrot]
amaranth red {adj}amarantrot
angry red {adj}hochrot
apple red {adj}apfelrot
beige-red {adj}beigerot
blazing red {adj}feuerrot
blazing red {adj}zündrot
blood red {adj}blutrot
blood red {adj}wundrot
blood-red {adj}blutrot
bloody-red {adj}blutrot
brick (red) {adj}ziegelrot
brick-red {adj}ziegelrot
bright red {adj}feuerrot
bright red {adj}grellrot
bright red {adj}hellrot
bright red {adj}knallrot
bright red {adj}quietschrot [ugs.] [grellrot]
bright red {adj}leuchtend rot
bright-red {adj}hellrot
electr. brown/red {adj} [color code]braun-rot <br/rt> [Farbcode]
carmine red {adj}karminrot
cherry red {adj}kirschenrot
cherry-red {adj}kirschrot
chestnut red {adj}kastanienrot
coral red {adj}korallen [Farbe]
coral-red {adj}korallenrot
crimson (red) {adj}purpurrot
dark red {adj}dunkelrot
dark red {adj}tiefrot
deep red {adj}tiefrot
deep red {adj} [also: deep-red]dunkelrot
fiery red {adj}feuerrot
fire-red {adj}feuerrot
fireman's red {adj}feuerwehrrot
flame red {adj}feuerrot [Farbnuance]
flame-red {adj}flammenrot
flame-red {adj} [spv.]feuerrot [Farbnuance]
foxy red {adj}fuchsrot
garish red {adj}grellrot
garish red {adj}knallrot
garnet red {adj}granatrot
gaudy red {adj}grellrot
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Q 2023-08-28: dissected red
A 2023-02-14: @timfefe: Having worked for the Red Cross many years ago, I can assure you...
Q 2022-04-22: inca red: 2 Fragen
A 2021-08-10: oder: to follow a red herring
A 2020-06-03: Red herring created by Callixte
A 2020-02-23: Red Rufus: was stört dich denn an "Prozedere"?
A 2020-01-17: Agree with Red Rufus
A 2019-08-31: red tape
Q 2019-07-31: dying my hair red
Q 2019-07-20: Grundsätzlich: https://translate.deacademic.com/red%20tape/xx/de/
Q 2019-07-20: red tape [fig.]
A 2019-04-16: I wouldn't assume it is dyed red, it is just as likely to be a natural 'red'.
A 2018-07-06: @Red Rufus Danke für den Hinweis. Das ist ein interessanter Aspekt.
A 2018-01-26: a red line indicates that the XYZ-value has fallen below the (required) mi...
A 2018-01-26: ? Red lines indicate shortfalls below the minimum antenna distance of 1.6m...
Q 2018-01-26: To walk through a red light (as a pedestrian)
Q 2017-08-29: Red, oder Rede?
A 2017-07-31: 3 ants: 1 black ant and 1 red ant and another single red ant just arrived
A 2017-05-14: red-tailed hawk, red-shouldered hawk
A 2017-05-05: So +done in+ was a red herring ...

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