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English-German translation for: reduced
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Dictionary English German: reduced

Translation 1 - 50 of 126  >>

English German
ADJ   reduced | more reduced | most reduced
VERB  to reduce | reduced | reduced ... 
SYNO   decreased | reduced | reduced ... 
reduced {adj} {past-p}
reduced {adj} {past-p}
reduced {adj} {past-p}
reduced {adj} {past-p}
reduced {adj} {past-p}
reduced {adj} {past-p}
zurückgeführt [reduziert]
2 Words: Others
calorie-reduced {adj}kalorienreduziert
FoodInd. cholesterol-reduced {adj}cholesterinreduziert
FoodInd. fat-reduced {adj}fettreduziert
feature-reduced {adj} {past-p}funktionsreduziert
greatly reduced {adj}stark reduziert
noise-reduced {adj}geräuscharm
price-reduced {adj}preisreduziert
tech. reduced noise {adj}geräuscharm
reduced-calorie {adj}kalorienreduziert
reduced-calory {adj} [spv.]kalorienreduziert
MedTech. pharm. reduced-dose {adj} [attr.]dosisreduziert
FoodInd. reduced-fat {adj} [attr.]fettreduziert
FoodInd. reduced-fat {adj} [attr.]mit reduziertem Fettgehalt [nachgestellt]
reduced-price {adj}verbilligt
salt-reduced {adj}salzreduziert
FoodInd. sugar-reduced {adj}zuckerreduziert
weight-reduced {adj}gewichtserleichert
weight-reduced {adj}gewichtsreduziert
2 Words: Nouns
med. reduced appetitemangelnder Appetit {m}
reduced brightnessverminderte Helligkeit {f}
reduced chargesverminderte Gebühren {pl}
econ. reduced cost {sg}Minderkosten {pl}
reduced costsverminderte Kosten {pl}
med. reduced diadochokinesisBradydiadochokinese {f} [verlangsamte Diadochokinese]
reduced dividendgekürzte Dividende {f}
reduced dutygekürzte Zollabgabe {f}
reduced dutyreduzierte Steuer {f}
reduced earningsverminderte Einkünfte {pl}
reduced effortKraftersparnis {f}
reduced enthusiasmgemäßigte Begeisterung {f}
rail transp. reduced fareermäßigte Fahrtkosten {pl}
reduced feeermäßigte Gebühr {f}
VetMed. reduced fertility [Impotentia generandi]Impotentia generandi {f} [Fruchtbarkeitsstörung, männliches Tier]
ling. reduced gradeReduktionsstufe {f}
reduced incentiveabgeschwächter Leistungsverdienstanstieg {m}
reduced incomegemindertes Einkommen {n}
reduced incomereduziertes Einkommen {n}
reduced interestgeschmälertes Interesse {n}
med. reduced mobilityMinderbeweglichkeit {f}
reduced mobilityeingeschränkte Mobilität {f}
chem. reduced oilgetopptes Öl {n}
reduced pressureUnterdruck {m}
reduced priceMinderpreis {m}
reduced priceermäßigter Preis {m}
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A 2018-07-08: A tongue-tied actor is reduced to grimacing, isn't he?
A 2018-05-12: That's the thing. English has three words where German is reduced to using...
A 2016-06-29: +free of charge+ or +at a reduced rate / flat rate+
A 2015-10-11: Dresden, having been spared right to the end, yet was reduced to smoulderi...
A 2015-05-27: reduced rain patterns
Q 2015-05-27: reduced rain patterns
A 2015-01-11: oder reduced ... (finde ich hier)
A 2014-11-21: At any rate their practical effectiveness will possibly be reduced by anot...
A 2014-01-02: Out of a 'robot' into a human being - seems to refer to people reduced by ...
A 2012-12-18: less/reduced staff idle time
A 2012-06-11: reduced movement in bone or joint
A 2012-04-23: reduced to being an ordinary farm labourer
Q 2012-04-05: if the government gave further incentives to give up smoking , the number ...
A 2012-03-23: the commission shall be reduced by a third of the surplus percentage
A 2011-12-11: Typo: ... reduced +to+ the status of ...
A 2011-12-11: Outside any US of EU, Britain would be reduced the status of Canada or Mex...
Q 2011-06-29: read into the record .... and will be reduced to writing (Scheidung)
Q 2010-07-01: Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly (oder schlafen die Techniker schon?)
A 2010-06-28: No - prices can be lowered, dropped, reduced
Q 2010-06-22: reduced to writing

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