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English-German translation for: referring
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Dictionary English German: referring

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
VERB  to refer | referred | referred
referring | refers
referring {adj} {pres-p}
referring {adj} {pres-p} [reporting]
2 Words
referring to {prep}bezüglich [+Gen.; im Plural, wenn der Genitiv nicht erkennbar ist, meist +Dat.]
referring to {prep}bezugnehmend auf [+Akk.]
referring toverweisend auf
referring to {prep}Bezug nehmend auf [+Akk.]
referring to {prep}in Anlehnung an [+Akk.]
referring to {prep}mit Bezug auf [+Akk.]
referring to {prep}unter Berufung auf [+Akk.] [bezüglich]
law referring courtvorlegendes Gericht {n}
med. MedTech. referring physicianZuweiser {m}
med. referring physicianeinweisender Arzt {m} [überweisender / zuweisender Arzt]
med. referring physicianüberweisender Arzt {m}
med. referring physicianzuweisender Arzt {m} [Zuweiser]
med. referring physician [female]zuweisende Ärztin {f}
med. referring practitioner [EUR 17538]überweisende Person {f} [EUR 17538]
3 Words
referring back tozurückverweisend
referring to passengersbezogen auf Passagiere
referring to securitiesbezogen auf Wertpapiere
referring to this {adv}diesbezüglich
4 Words
I am referring to ...Ich meine (damit) ...
5+ Words
Are you referring to me?Meinst du mich?
Referring to your offer of ...Unter Bezugnahme auf Ihr Angebot vom ...
What are you referring to?Worauf beziehen Sie sich? [formelle Anrede]
agr. EU organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffsökologischer Landbau {m} und die entsprechende Kennzeichnung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnisse und Lebensmittel
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Q 2023-03-29: Trying to determine if C. F. Blumhardt is referring to land, influence, etc.
A 2023-03-28: Sure, the smearing of Corbyn was unjustified, absolutely agree, if that's ...
Q 2021-10-31: What is "sich" referring to?
A 2021-10-22: Found the post you’re referring to.
A 2021-02-02: outdated slang referring to a person of outdated ideas
A 2020-11-11: Let's hope and pray that +an artist's paint+ referring to one paint only (...
A 2018-07-18: I was referring to actual Google frequency. All the terms you suggested ar...
A 2017-10-18: referring to the order of XXX
A 2017-03-13: -er = referring to, as of, with significance to
A 2017-02-03: Are you referring to King Donald's little wee-wee?
A 2016-10-13: [fig.] is not a very helpful disambiguation if it is not clear what the fi...
A 2016-10-12: Further to your request / Referring to your request
A 2016-05-20: Referring to your statement/question.
A 2016-05-20: Referring to what
A 2016-04-30: "Head on it!" = "I bet on it" ?? (referring to "head or tail")
A 2015-11-12: Referring to the party, +Socialist+ ought to be capitalized, don't you think?
A 2015-03-19: as anti-Semitic, but referring to gypsies: anti-Romanic
A 2015-03-04: Also: +You've made my day+ as the day goes on; +You made my day+ referring...
A 2015-03-03: So it is: Main clause +it would be a pity+ - dependent clause (1) +if I go...
A 2014-06-25: Under the assumption that you're referring to cosmetics,

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referring court
referring physician
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referring to passengers
referring to securities
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