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English-German translation for: reflecting
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Dictionary English German: reflecting

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
ADJ   reflecting | more reflecting | most reflecting
NOUN   reflecting | reflectings
VERB  to reflect | reflected | reflected
reflecting | reflects
reflecting {adj} {pres-p}
reflecting {adj}
reflecting {adj}
reflecting {adj}Überlegungen anstellend
2 Words
light-reflecting {adj}lichtreflektierend
non-reflecting {adj}blendfrei
philos. psych. tech. self-reflecting {adj}selbst-reflektierend [auch: selbst reflektierend]
non-reflectingBlendfreiheit {f}
chem. reflecting goniometerReflexionsgoniometer {n}
weapons reflecting gunsightReflexvisier {n} <Revi> [Luftwaffe]
optics reflecting lensSpiegellinse {f}
optics reflecting microscopeSpiegelmikroskop {n}
reflecting paintReflexionsfarbe {f}
archi. reflecting poolReflexionsbecken {n}
archi. reflecting poolsReflexionsbecken {pl}
tech. reflecting surfaceRückstrahlfläche {f}
reflecting surfaceSpiegelfläche {f} [spiegelnde / reflektierende Fläche]
astron. reflecting telescopeSpiegelfernrohr {n}
astron. reflecting telescopeSpiegelteleskop {n}
3 Words
constr. semipermeable reflecting platehalbdurchlässige Spiegelplatte {f}
sound-reflecting surfaceschallharte Oberfläche {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Reflecting Skin [Philip Ridley]Schrei in der Stille
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Q 2010-12-26: EN: reflecting (on) -> DE: besinnen (auf)
A 2010-06-07: You may have to make a list reflecting the exact circumstances. I don't th...
A 2009-06-04: Reflecting
A 2009-05-31: or: to create some reality reflecting the iconography
A 2007-01-04: Am reflecting on this
A 2006-11-30: It is more about reflecting the message in a correct and eloquent way.
A 2006-11-10: which is reflecting the fulfillment of all the rise
A 2006-11-03: it reflects/reflecting a yield of approx 5.6 %
A 2006-10-24: putting into practice and reflecting on it
A 2006-07-18: reflection or reflecting
A 2005-10-07: I have always insisted that films be made based on experience and reflecti...
A 2005-08-11: By June 22nd, the company had sent a letter reflecting/outlining ITS position.
Q 2005-08-11: Company has sent a letter reflecting their position by June, 22nd
A 2004-03-31: with mirrors reflecting rays of light, visualizing the paths of sound waves.

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reflecting telescope

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