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English-German translation for: reform
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Dictionary English German: reform

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NOUN   a reform | reforms
VERB  to reform | reformed | reformed ... 
SYNO   to reclaim | to rectify | to reform ... 
NOUN   die Reform | die Reformen
SYNO   Neugestaltung | Neuordnung ... 
to reform
to reform sth. [convert, reshape]
etw. umformen
to reform sth. [convert, reshape]
etw. umgestalten
to reform sth.
etw. reformieren
to reform sb.
jdn. bessern
to reform sb.
jdn. läutern [geh.]
to reform [oneself]sich bessern
Reform {f}
Reform {f}
Neuerung {f}
Verbesserung {f}
reform [of person]
Besserung {f} [moralisch]
law [legislation governing the rights of the child (Germany)]Gesetz {n} zur Reform des Kindschaftsrechts <KindRG>
2 Words: Others
anti-reform {adj}reformfeindlich
relig. church reform {adj} [attr.]kirchenreformerisch [attr.]
pol. reform-minded {adj}reformfreudig
reform-orientated {adj}reformorientiert
reform-oriented {adj}reformorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
educ. academic reformStudienreform {f}
fin. accounting reformBilanzreform {f}
admin. pol. administrative reformVerwaltungsreform {f}
agr. pol. agrarian reformAgrarreform {f}
agr. pol. agrarian reformBodenreform {f}
hist. agrarian reformGrundentlastung {f}
agr. pol. agrarian reformLandreform {f}
agr. pol. agricultural reformAgrarreform {f}
agr. pol. agricultural reformLandwirtschaftsreform {f}
mil. pol. army reformArmeereform {f}
mil. pol. army reformHeeresreform {f}
fin. pol. budget reformHaushaltsreform {f}
fin. budgetary reform [of a state]Haushaltsreform {f} [Staatshaushaltsreform]
hist. calendar reformKalenderreform {f}
relig. church reformKirchenreform {f}
curr. econ. coinage reformMünzreform {f}
law pol. constitutional reformVerfassungsreform {f}
curr. econ. pol. currency reformWährungsreform {f}
educ. curriculum reformCurriculumreform {f} [auch: Curriculum-Reform]
educ. curriculum reformLehrplanreform {f}
relig. ecclesiastical reformKirchenreform {f}
econ. pol. economic reformWirtschaftsreform {f}
education reformBildungsreform {f}
educ. pol. educational reformAusbildungsreform {f}
educ. pol. educational reformBildungsreform {f}
educ. pol. educational reformSchulreform {f}
pol. electoral reformWahlreform {f}
entitlement reformReform {f} der staatlichen Sozialleistungen
pol. expenses reformDiätenreform {f}
pol. federalism reformFöderalismusreform {f}
fin. pol. finance reformFinanzreform {f}
fin. pol. financial reformFinanzreform {f}
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A 2021-10-30: z. B. mit Leerzeichen auch vor der Reform
A 2020-04-08: Dynamics in Circle Rituals: Daily Life at a German Reform Pedagogic School
A 2018-01-27: No such reform but just another step in the evolution of German usage. Cf....
Q 2018-01-26: german orthographical reform
A 2017-03-12: Spelling reform
A 2017-03-11: Spelling reform is an English perennial. Cf. GBS
A 2015-07-03: Seit der Reform kannst du es weglassen oder schreiben: Nach der Kreuzigung...
A 2014-10-22: ... new, independent force for reform ... sounds better to me.
A 2014-09-07: What is more, Oxford dictionaries aren't much of an authority on administr...
A 2014-09-07: 12:45 - +municipal merger+ is rubbish in the UK - no piecemeal stuff herea...
A 2014-06-24: Reformhaus(-Abteilung) ist korrekt - und hat gar nichts mit Reform+ation+ ...
A 2013-01-10: @Wenz. Klar, diese Reform hat nur verwirrt.
A 2012-11-24: He hit a brick wall with his repeated attempts to reform the system.
A 2012-04-27: LINK http://www.canoo.net/services/GermanSpelling/Reform/Interpunktion/i...
A 2011-11-20: no fixed date was set for completion of the party reform
Q 2011-09-25: beyond reform = unbelehrbar?
A 2010-11-16: to reform and increase the number ...
A 2010-10-11: http://www.ids-mannheim.de/service/reform/
Q 2010-09-26: The way courts deal with debtors needs reform.
A 2010-04-15: tired of reform efforts

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