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English-German translation for: registry
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Dictionary English German: registry

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NOUN   a registry | registries
SYNO   register | registry
Register {n}
comp. registry [Microsoft Windows]
Registrierungsdatenbank {f}
Registratur {f}
comp. registry [Microsoft Windows]
Registry {f}
registryEvidenzbüro {n} [österr.]
registryRegistrierung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
accommodation registryWohnungsnachweis {m}
zool. breed registryHerdbuch {n}
agr. breed registryStammbuch {n} [Zuchtbuch, Herdbuch]
zool. breed registryZuchtbuch {n}
zool. breed registryZuchtstammbuch {n}
bridal registry [Am.]Hochzeitsliste {f}
bridal registry [Am.]Hochzeitstisch {m}
med. cancer registryKrebsregister {n}
admin. central registryZentralregister {n}
admin. comm. commercial registryHandelsregister {n} <HR>
law Company RegistryHandelsregister {n} für Kapitalgesellschaften
law court registryGeschäftsstelle {f} [beim Gericht]
law criminal registryStrafregister {n}
comp. domain registryDomain-Registrierungsstelle {f}
weapons firearms registryWaffenregister {n}
admin. zool. herd registryHerdbuchführung {f}
land registryGrundbuchamt {n}
land registryGrundbucheintragung {f}
land registryKataster {m} {n}
marriage registry [Aus.]Eheverzeichnis {n}
mortgage registryHypothekeneintragung {f}
law registry courtRegistergericht {n}
comp. registry editorRegistrierungseditor {m} [auch: Registrierungs-Editor]
comp. registry keyRegistry-Schlüssel {m}
registry officeEinwohnermeldeamt {n}
registry officeMeldebehörde {f}
admin. registry officeStandesamt {n}
registry office [archaic]Stellenvermittlung {f} für Dienstboten
registry office [Br.]Zivilstandsamt {n} [schweiz.] [Standesamt]
admin. registry office [Br.] [also: register office]Personenstandsamt {n} [Standesamt; Bezeichnung für entsprechende Behörden in der Türkei]
comp. registry valueRegistrierungswert {m}
comp. econ. service registryServiceverwaltung {f}
comp. service registryService-Registry {f}
econ. stocks share registryAktienregister {n}
med. stroke registrySchlaganfallregister {n}
med. psych. trauma registryTraumaregister {n}
wedding registryHochzeitsliste {f}
comp. Windows registryWindows-Registrierungsdatenbank {f}
3 Words: Others
in registry (with) {adj}deckungsgleich (zu / zur / in)
3 Words: Nouns
chem. CAS registry number <CAS RN>CAS-Registernummer {f} <CAS RN>
chem. CAS registry number <CAS RN>CAS-Registrierungsnummer {f} <CAS RN>
chem. CAS registry numbers <CAS RNs>CAS-Registrierungsnummern {pl} <CAS RN>
admin. naut. certificate of registry [showing details of ship]Bielbrief {m} [veraltet]
admin. civil registry officeStandesamt {n}
naut. country of registryFlaggenstaat {m}
naut. country of registryRegistrierland {n}
land registry officeKatasteramt {n}
land registry officialKatasterbeamter {m}
admin. jobs land registry official [female]Katasterbeamtin {f}
naut. port of registryHeimathafen {m}
naut. port of registryRegistrierhafen {m}
law Registry of DeedsGrundbuch {n}
law Registry of DeedsGrundbuchamt {n}
law registry office wedding [Br.]standesamtliche Heirat {f}
registry office wedding [Br.]standesamtliche Trauung {f}
zip code registry [Am.]Postleitzahlenverzeichnis {n}
4 Words: Nouns
(Her Majesty's) Land Registry [Br.] <(HM) Land Registry>Grundbuchamt {n} [in England und Wales]
admin. law clerk of the registryUrkundsbeamter {m} der Geschäftsstelle
market. do-not-call registry <DNCR> [USA]Robinsonliste {f} [Jargon] [für Telefonwerbung] [auch: Robinson-Liste]
educ. international students' (academic) registryakademisches Auslandsamt {n} [Universität]
5+ Words: Others
admin. law I was at the registry office. [Br.] [coll.] [as a customer]Ich war auf dem Standesamt. [als Kunde]
admin. law I work at the registry office. [Br.] [coll.]Ich arbeite im / beim Standesamt.
law on record at the court registry {adv}zu Protokoll der Geschäftsstelle
5+ Words: Verbs
to be married at a registry officeeine standesamtliche Ehe schließen
to get married at a registry office [Br.]standesamtlich heiraten
to get married in a registry officestandesamtlich heiraten
to get married in a registry officesich standesamtlich trauen lassen
5+ Words: Nouns
law certificate from/by the registry officestandesamtliche Bescheinigung {f}
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A 2015-10-12: Das ist doch nicht im Vereinigten Königreich. Aber selbst dort: +Civil Reg...
A 2015-10-12: at the Civil Registry (vor einem Beamten, in dessen Gegenwart)
A 2012-12-07: Gift registry -
A 2012-08-29: http://www.dict.cc/?s=registry+office+ they deal with it ....
A 2012-08-29: registry office ?!
A 2012-04-03: register folio / registry folio
A 2011-08-12: registry / wedding registry
Q 2010-10-05: General Registry
A 2010-09-27: registry (list) of laws a.o. (f.i. local) statutes
A 2009-02-14: notice of cancellation; Grundbuch = [AE] land register, registry of deeds ...
A 2009-01-28: In Britain, colloquially called registry office, but officially it's regis...
A 2009-01-28: Standesamt > Registry Office / registry office
Q 2008-08-31: Clnr in Austrian land registry
A 2008-06-16: @Proteus...if only I knew if a court registry has a box
A 2008-06-16: What about a +box+ in the court registry?
A 2008-05-20: administrative handling of the land registry settlement?
A 2008-05-18: "Land registry map" googles well enough ....
A 2008-05-13: registry edit > Registrierdaten-Änderung
Q 2008-05-13: bad Registry edits
A 2008-05-10: sole member > Einzelkaufmann, minutes book > Protokollbuch, members book >...

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