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English-German translation for: regulation
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Dictionary English German: regulation

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NOUN1   a regulation | regulations
NOUN2   regulation | -
SYNO   regulating | regulation | regulation ... 
NOUN   die Regulation | die Regulationen
SYNO   Regelung | Regulation | Regulierung ... 
Vorschrift {f}
Regelung {f}
Verordnung {f}
Bestimmung {f} [Vorschrift, Verfügung]
Regel {f} [Verordnung]
engin. regulation
Begradigung {f} [von Flusslauf]
admin. regulation
Verfügung {f}
Anordnung {f} [Vorschrift]
Ordnung {f}
Regulierung {f}
Steuerung {f}
Reglementierung {f}
Dienstvorschrift {f}
regulation {sg}
Verordnungen {pl}
regulation [act of regulating]
Regelsetzung {f}
regulationRechtsetzung {f}
regulationRegulation {f}
regulationRegulativ {n} [Vorschrift, Regeln]
2 Words: Nouns
action regulationHandlungsregulation {f}
additional regulationZusatzregelung {f}
admin. administrative regulationVerwaltungsvorschrift {f}
psych. affect regulationAffektregulation {f}
agricultural regulationAgrarverordnung {f}
air regulationLuftregulierung {f}
biochem. allosteric regulationallosterische Regulation {f}
mil. army regulationHeeresdienstvorschrift {f}
tech. automatic regulationselbsttätige Regelung {f}
law basic regulationGrundverordnung {f}
archi. law building regulationBauverordnung {f}
constr. building regulationBauvorschrift {f}
building regulationbaurechtliche Vorschrift {f}
biol. circulatory regulationKreislaufregulation {f}
co-regulationKoregulierung {f}
print tech. color regulation [Am.]Farbregelung {f}
print tech. colour regulation [Br.]Farbregelung {f}
compensation regulationKompensationsregelung {f} [Ausgleichsregelung]
EU Council RegulationRatsverordnung {f}
EU council regulationVerordnung {f} des Rates
ecol. density regulationDichteregulation {f}
med. psych. disturbed regulationRegulationsstörung {f}
down-regulationHerunterregelung {f}
EU law pol. Dublin Regulation [Regulation 2003/343/CE]Dublin-Verordnung {f} [kurz für: Verordnung (EG) Nr. 343/2003 (Dublin II)]
EU Dublin Regulation [Regulation No. 604/2013; sometimes the Dublin III Regulation]Dubliner Verordnung {f} [Verordnung (EU) Nr. 604/2013, auch Dublin-III-Verordnung]
psych. emotion regulationEmotionsregulation {f}
psych. emotional regulationEmotionsregulation {f}
biochem. enzyme regulationEnzymregulation {f}
EU law EU RegulationEU-Verordnung {f}
exception regulationAusnahmeregelung {f}
exceptional regulationAusnahmeregelung {f}
exceptional regulationaußergewöhnliche Regelung {f}
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A 2022-01-12: Federal Medical Regulation finde ich im Link unten
A 2020-10-10: GDPR is an EU regulation and written out is the General Data Protection Re...
A 2018-04-05: Rather abstract stuff; perhaps +traffic regulation order along a section o...
A 2016-08-09: Implementing regulation?
Q 2016-02-11: Eilübersetzung von hochkompliziertem chemischem Text (Abgabe 11.02.2016 um...
A 2015-10-13: Furthermore, in accordance with the REACH Regulation safety data sheets ar...
A 2015-10-13: Official usage: REACH regulation
A 2015-10-13: regulation
A 2014-12-03: OSHA diving regulation .....
A 2014-07-21: Perhaps the Office of Rail Regulation owes its very existence to this conf...
A 2014-07-11: There has been an increasing trend towards private-sector self-regulation
Q 2014-02-01: military regulation phone
Q 2012-09-24: heart regulation, locomotion
A 2012-05-13: vermutlich ist gemeint: regulation by reference to a voltage and frequenc...
A 2012-01-17: Stammgesetz > principal act / law; Stammverodnung > principal regulation (...
Q 2011-11-16: matters of regulation
A 2011-11-14: Regelungsbedarf: need for regulation
Q 2011-05-20: Technical Basis for Regulation
A 2011-02-23: Regulation on Student Fees and University Tolls
A 2011-02-21: ... arrangement / regulation / system / organisation ..... ?! you'll know...

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