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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: reihum fragen
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Dictionary English German: reihum fragen

Translation 1 - 50 of 193  >>

VERB   reihum fragen | fragte reihum/reihum fragte | reihum gefragt
to ask each in turnreihum fragen
Partial Matches
around {adv}reihum
in turn {adv}reihum
round {adv}reihum [rundherum]
to be passed around / roundreihum gehen
to go around / roundreihum gehen
to look aroundreihum schauen
to pass sth. around / roundetw.Akk. reihum gehen lassen
to askfragen
to frain [Scot.] [archaic] [ask]fragen
to interrogatefragen
to queryfragen
to questionfragen
to requestfragen
to speir [chiefly Scot.]fragen
askingFragen {n}
queriesFragen {pl}
questionsFragen {pl}
to ask with importunityaufdringlich fragen
to ask a silly questiondumm fragen
to ask inquisitivelyeindringlich fragen
to bring up a questionetwas fragen
to prompt questionsFragen aufwerfen
to raise issuesFragen aufwerfen
to raise questionsFragen aufwerfen
to query iffragen ob
to ask questionsFragen stellen
to query whetherfragen, ob
to ask specific questionsgezielt fragen
to ask specificallygezielt fragen
to ask nicelyhöflich fragen
to ask againnochmals fragen
to ask repeatedlywiederholt fragen
living causesaktuelle Fragen {pl}
continual askingbeständiges Fragen {n}
nagging questionsbohrende Fragen {pl}
law copyright questionsCopyright-Fragen {pl}
ling. closed questionsgeschlossene Fragen {pl}
indirect questionsindirekte Fragen {pl}
pol. domestic issuesinnenpolitische Fragen {pl}
EU institutional affairsinstitutionelle Fragen {pl}
open questionsoffene Fragen {pl}
pending questionsoffene Fragen {pl}
unresolved issuesoffene Fragen {pl}
pol. political issuespolitische Fragen {pl}
social issuessoziale Fragen {f}
to ask sb. sth.jdn. etw. fragen
to ask sth. of sb.jdn. etw. fragen
issuesFragen {pl} [politisch, gesellschaftlich]
to ask a dumb question [esp. Am.] [coll.]doof fragen [ugs.]
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