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English-German translation for: relation
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Dictionary English German: relation

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NOUN1   a relation | relations
NOUN2   relation | -
SYNO   relation | relation back | relative ... 
NOUN   die Relation | die Relationen
SYNO   Abhängigkeit | Beziehung | Bezug ... 
relation [relationship]
Beziehung {f}
Zusammenhang {m}
relation [relative]
Verwandter {m}
Verhältnis {n}
relation [relatives] [also fig.: affinity, kinship]
Verwandtschaft {f}
relation [comparison]
Vergleich {m}
Verbindung {f}
relation [female relative]
Verwandte {f}
Relation {f}
relation [recount, memorandum etc.]
Bericht {m}
relation [correlation, allocation]
Zuordnung {f}
spec. relation
Relation {f}
relation [narration, tale]
Erzählung {f}
2 Words: Others
sociol. relation-oriented {adj}beziehungsorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
authority relationHerrschaftsbeziehung {f}
math. binary relationbinäre Relation {f}
math. philos. binary relationzweistellige Relation {f}
blood relationBlutsverwandter {m}
blood relation [female]Blutsverwandte {f}
business relationGeschäftsbeziehung {f}
business relationGeschäftsverbindung {f}
philos. causal relationKausalnexus {m} [Kausalbeziehung]
causal relationKausalrelation {f}
philos. causal relationKausalzusammenhang {m}
causal relationkausale Relation {f}
causal relationursächlicher Zusammenhang {m}
math. Clairaut's relationSatz {m} von Clairaut
close relationenge Verbindung {f}
math. philos. closure relationAbgeschlossenheitsrelation {f}
math. philos. completeness relationAbgeschlossenheitsrelation {f}
confidential relationvertrauliche Beziehung {f}
math. congruence relationKongruenzrelation {f}
contractual relationvertragliche Bindung {f}
mus. cross-relationQuerstand {m}
derivability relationAbleitbarkeitsbeziehung {f}
ling. derivation relationAbleitungsrelation {f}
phys. dispersion relationDispersionsrelation {f}
distant relationferner Verwandter {m}
math. divisibility relationTeilbarkeitsbeziehung {f}
math. divisibility relationTeilbarkeitsrelation {f}
math. equivalence relationÄquivalenzrelation {f}
exchange relationAustauschbeziehung {f}
mus. false relationQuerstand {m}
phys. frequency relationFrequenzverhältnis {n}
math. inclusion relationInklusionsrelation {f}
spec. instantiation relationInstanziierungsrelation {f}
inter-relationWechselbeziehung {f}
math. spec. inverse relationumgekehrtes Verhältnis {n}
philos. knowledge relationErkenntnisrelation {f}
electr. phys. Kohler relationkohlersche Beziehung {f}
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A 2024-10-02: Thanks, Uffieee. I understand the examples given in the link. Can you expl...
Q 2024-09-10: I need help translating something in relation to cosco
A 2024-01-22: in relation to travelling ahead along the course of the road as well as in...
A 2021-12-04: 1.) & 2.) Self-control Relation – alright as an abbreviated term
Q 2021-12-03: Self-Control Relation OR Self-Control-Relation ... and more
A 2020-03-10: clarified relation between ... Occasionally also +clarified relations / cl...
A 2019-07-19: +academic+ is preferable. unless the relation to science is to be underscored.
A 2018-11-25: relation: 2. Respect; reference; regard. http://webstersdictionary1828.co...
Q 2018-11-25: relation
A 2017-08-09: H.D. Th.'s wide open eyes looking like the mainland, the narrow slit left ...
A 2016-05-01: do you live in a settled family relation?
A 2015-10-07: network relation ???
A 2015-05-18: is indivisble in relation to
A 2015-02-14: Correction: In relation to the subject matter of the application, ...
A 2015-02-14: In relation to the application subject, the state of the art would have to...
A 2014-12-04: a mutually trusting cooperation / working relation
A 2014-04-28: as seen in relation to
A 2013-09-17: in relation to
Q 2013-09-05: Relation vs. Relationship
A 2013-07-29: In relation to them, X was not authorized to do whatever

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