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English-German translation for: religious
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Dictionary English German: religious

Translation 1 - 50 of 274  >>

English German
ADJ   religious | more religious | most religious
NOUN   a religious | religious
SYNO   religious | spiritual
relig. religious {adj} <rel.>
religiös <rel.>
relig. religious {adj}
relig. religious {adj}
religious {adj}
relig. religious {adj}
geistlich [Schrift, Musik, Führer]
religious {adj} [pertaining to religion]
religious {adj}
religious {adj} [without belonging to a church etc.]
gottgläubig [veraltet] [bes. Nazi-Ausdruck]
relig. religious {adj}frommherzig [veraltet]
relig. religious
Ordensmitglied {n} [eines Klosterordens]
hist. relig. religious [female member of a religious order]Religiose {f} [veraltet] [Ordensfrau]
hist. relig. religious [member of a religious order]Religioser {m} [veraltet] [Ordensmann]
relig. religious {pl}Ordensleute {pl} [Mitglieder eines Klosterordens]
religious {pl}Ordensmitglieder {pl} [eines Klosterordens]
2 Words: Others
relig. deeply religious {adj}glaubensstark
relig. deeply religious {adj}glaubensvoll [geh.]
deeply religious {adj}tiefgläubig
deeply religious {adj}tief gläubig
devoutly religious {adj}tiefreligiös
philos. relig. ethico-religious {adj}ethisch-religiös
ethn. relig. ethno-religious {adj}ethnoreligiös
ethn. relig. ethno-religious {adj}ethnisch-religiös
relig. inter-religious {adj} [less commonly for interreligious]interreligiös
more religious {adj}gläubiger
most religious {adj}gläubigste
non-religious {adj}irreligiös
non-religious {adj}nichtreligiös
non-religious {adj}unreligiös
profoundly religious {adj}tiefreligiös
religious-tinged {adj} [fig.]religiös gefärbt [fig.]
relig. semi-religious {adj}semireligiös
socio-religious {adj} [also: socioreligious]sozioreligiös
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (religious) affiliationGlaubenszugehörigkeit {f}
relig. (religious) convictionGlaube {m} [Überzeugung]
hist. relig. (religious) disputationReligionsgespräch {n}
relig. (religious) exclusivismExklusivismus {m}
relig. (religious) inclusivismInklusivismus {m}
relig. (religious) observanceHeilighaltung {f}
relig. (religious) persecutionReligionsverfolgung {f}
relig. (religious) persuasion [sect, denomination]Glaubensrichtung {f}
relig. (religious) reformation [freshening of religious beliefs and practices]Religionserneuerung {f} [selten]
relig. (religious) schismGlaubensspaltung {f}
relig. sociol. (religious) sect(religiöse) Gemeinschaft {f} [sektenartig]
jobs relig. (religious) superior [of an order]Ordensoberer {m}
relig. religious affairsReligionsangelegenheiten {pl}
admin. relig. religious affiliationGlaubensbekenntnis {n} [Religionszugehörigkeit]
relig. religious affiliationKonfessionszugehörigkeit {f}
relig. religious affiliationReligionsangehörigkeit {f}
relig. religious affiliationReligionszugehörigkeit {f}
archi. religious architectureSakralarchitektur {f}
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A 2024-08-10: Badger was an expert and very good with philosophical and religious stuff.
A 2023-04-25: Ja, aber religious holiday ist dasselbe wie religiöser Feiertag.
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