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English-German translation for: remain
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Dictionary English German: remain

Translation 1 - 50 of 158  >>

English German
VERB  to remain | remained | remained ... 
SYNO   to remain | to rest | to stay ... 
to remain
to remain
to remain
to remain
to remain
verharren [geh.]
to remain
überbleiben [regional] [übrig bleiben]
to remainbestehen bleiben
to remainübrig bleiben
to remain [historic buildings, architecture etc.]noch erhalten sein
Rest {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to remain anonymousanonym bleiben
to remain behindzurückbleiben
to remain behinddahinter bleiben
to remain calmruhig bleiben
to remain celibateehelos bleiben
to remain cleansauber bleiben
to remain closedgeschlossen bleiben
to remain competitivewettbewerbsfähig bleiben
to remain constantgleich bleiben
to remain constantgleichbleibend sein
to remain constantkonstant bleiben
to remain constantgleich bleibend sein
to remain convincedüberzeugt bleiben
to remain coolsich nicht aus seiner Bierruhe bringen lassen [ugs.]
electr. to remain dark [e.g. LED]nicht leuchten [dunkel bleiben, z. B. LED, Anzeigen]
to remain effectivein Kraft bleiben [Redewendung]
to remain faithfultreu bleiben
to remain firmfest bleiben
to remain firmstabil bleiben
to remain firm [idiom]konsequent bleiben
to remain friendsFreunde bleiben
to remain living [e.g. in a house]wohnen bleiben [z. B. in einem Haus]
to remain modestbescheiden bleiben
to remain namelessungenannt bleiben
to remain openaufbleiben [ugs. offenbleiben]
to remain opengeöffnet bleiben
to remain openoffen bleiben
to remain passiveunbeteiligt bleiben [passiv bleiben]
med. to remain quiescent [e.g. tumors]stumm bleiben [z. B. Tumore]
to remain seatedsitzen bleiben
to remain shutzubleiben [ugs.]
to remain shutgeschlossen bleiben
to remain silentschweigen
to remain silentnichts sagen
to remain silentschweigsam bleiben
to remain silentstumm bleiben
to remain singleehelos bleiben
to remain singleledig bleiben
to remain singleohne Partner bleiben
to remain sittinghockenbleiben [südd.] [ugs.] [sitzen bleiben]
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A 2023-07-15: Glassdoor censors postings, only mild / veiled criticisms remain.
A 2022-06-06: Wiederhole meinen Übersetzungsvorschlag: what if anything would then remai...
A 2022-06-04: Here +viel+ is used loosely / infomally ~ what if anything would then rema...
A 2022-06-04: What a great deal of (possibilities / options / ... ) would remain for the...
A 2021-11-04: Nur nebenbei weil ich das gerade gefunden habe: "salt must remain salt"
A 2018-03-29: remain
A 2016-09-16: ... shall be / remain unaffected
A 2016-09-16: Why not? Or else: The provisions governing compulsory purchase remain unaf...
A 2015-03-12: ...remain/stay/are unfilled...and an insult to those (applicants) who were...
A 2014-12-13: I would probably say +the memories are all that remain+ or +the memory is ...
Q 2014-12-13: remain oder remains?
A 2014-10-01: +Stroha+ is a village (Dorf) near Belgrade; the language spoken there is S...
A 2013-11-12: @romy: grammar hints remain the exception
A 2013-07-25: contract offer will remain .... this way round ...??
A 2013-04-12: A "cut" is always and will always remain a reduction
A 2012-08-22: to hold up = remain strong or vigorous ....
A 2012-07-13: remain popularly memory ....
A 2012-05-22: The standard phrase is "this did not remain unanswered."
A 2012-01-24: Carbon paper leaves a terrible residue. You want the illustration board to...
A 2012-01-16: Just heard on radio 4 - 15 people remain unaccounted for.

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