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English-German translation for: remaining
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Dictionary English German: remaining

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
ADJ   remaining | - | -
NOUN   remaining | remainings
VERB  to remain | remained | remained
remaining | remains
SYNO   left | left over | leftover | odd ... 
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}
remaining {adj}hinterblieben
remaining {adj}noch ausstehend
remaining {adj} {pres-p}übrig bleibend
remaining {adj}übrig geblieben
2 Words: Others
remaining shut {pres-p}zubleibend
remaining united {adj}zusammenhaltend
2 Words: Nouns
chem. remaining acidSäurerest {m}
remaining ambiguityverbleibende Unklarheit {f}
remaining amountRestbetrag {m}
remaining areaRestfläche {f}
fin. remaining balanceRestguthaben {n}
med. remaining boneRestknochen {m}
remaining capacityRestkapazität {f}
remaining differenceDifferenzbetrag {m}
remaining effortRestaufwand {m}
ecol. remaining habitatResthabitat {n}
acc. remaining incomeverbleibender Erlös {m}
remaining liferestliche Laufzeit {f}
remaining lifetimeRestlebensdauer {f}
remaining lifetimeRestlebenszeit {f}
remaining meatFleischreste {pl}
remaining nonskidRestprofiltiefe {f}
ecol. remaining populationRestpopulation {f}
remaining possibilityverbleibende Möglichkeit {f}
econ. market. remaining products [e.g. from excess production]Restware {f} [Ramschware]
remaining quantityRestmenge {f}
ecol. engin. fin. remaining riskRestrisiko {n}
travel remaining seats [seats still on offer]Restplätze {pl} [bei Reisen, Veranstaltungen]
comm. remaining stockRestposten {m}
remaining sumRestbetrag {m}
remaining termRestlaufzeit {f}
remaining ticketsRestkarten {pl}
tech. remaining timeRestlaufzeit {f}
acc. remaining valueRestwert {m}
remaining valueverbleibender Wert {m}
econ. remaining wage [also: remaining wages]Restlohn {m} [auch: restlicher Lohn]
hydro. remaining waterRestwasser {n}
remaining yearsrestliche Jahre {pl}
comp. time remainingRestdauer {f}
3 Words: Nouns
prices remaining unchangedunveränderte Preise {pl}
fin. remaining budgetary fundsHaushaltsmittelreste {pl}
remaining share capitalrestliches Aktienkapital {n}
remaining tread depthRestprofiltiefe {f}
4 Words: Others
during the remaining time {adv}in der übrigen Zeit
during the remaining time {adv}während der übrigen Zeit
in all remaining cases {adv}in allen übrigen Fällen
in the remaining term {adv}in der restlichen Laufzeit
4 Words: Verbs
to finance the remaining debtdie Restschuld finanzieren
to spend one's remaining yearsseinen Lebensabend verbringen
5+ Words: Verbs
to while away one's remaining yearsseine verbleibenden Jahre verwarten
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. (Great) Britain's remaining in the EUGroßbritanniens Verbleib {m} in der EU
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A 2015-10-09: Also: remaining Czech state
A 2015-08-01: remaining ...
A 2015-05-08: the remaining crest / crista
A 2015-04-23: remaining useful life
A 2014-07-02: "everyone" is a grammatical singular, hence: " ... that everyone takeS / u...
A 2013-10-18: All things remaining equal, ...
A 2013-09-24: on termination of the contract Lessor has to give an accounting for the de...
A 2013-08-16: ... and will not be getting his remaining holiday entitlements on top of t...
A 2013-01-25: The remaining documents...
A 2012-04-20: its situation remaining unchanged thereby
A 2011-09-18: the remaining central and eastern European member states
Q 2011-09-18: European Union's remaining central and eastern European member states join...
Q 2011-06-11: sprinkle over the grated chocolate and drizzle over the remaining strawber...
A 2011-02-22: "Remaining quantity Indicator" ? or "Indicator of maximum possible surface...
A 2010-05-03: remaining lifetime
A 2010-03-17: remaining grid ...?
A 2009-12-06: You're right. The other meaning is 'the remaining section of a corroded area.'
A 2009-09-23: spotting the best (remaining) vein for a heroin injection
A 2009-08-14: remaining .. ?
A 2008-12-09: residual/remaining costs

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remaining acid
remaining ambiguity
remaining amount
remaining area
remaining balance
remaining bone
remaining budgetary funds
remaining capacity
remaining difference
remaining effort

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