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English-German translation for: remembrance
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Dictionary English German: remembrance

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
NOUN   a remembrance | remembrances
SYNO   anamnesis | recollection | remembrance ... 
Andenken {n} [Erinnerung, Gedenken]
Erinnerung {f}
Gedächtnis {n}
Gedenken {n}
remembrance {sg}
Grüße {pl} [an jdn.]
Angedenken {n} [geh.]
philos. remembrance
Wiedererinnerung {f}
Eingedenken {n}
remembrance {sg} [dated] [formal] [greetings]
Empfehlungen {pl} [geh.] [an jdn., z. B. an die Frau Gemahlin]
2 Words: Nouns
gilded remembrancevergoldete Erinnerung {f}
remembrance (of)Erinnerung {f}
remembrance (of)Gedächtnis {n} (an)
remembrance ceremonyTotenfeier {f} [Andacht]
remembrance cross [medal]Erinnerungskreuz {n}
relig. remembrance dayGedächtnistag {m}
Remembrance DayVolkstrauertag {m}
pol. Remembrance Day [11 November] [Br.]Gedenktag {m} für die Gefallenen der beiden Weltkriege
remembrance plaqueErinnerungstafel {f}
remembrance poppy[Erinnerungs-Mohnblume, zur Erinnerung an Kriegstote getragen]
relig. remembrance serviceGedenkgottesdienst {m}
Remembrance Sunday [formerly Armistice Day] [annual day of remembrance] [Commonwealth]Gedenktag {m} zum Ende des 1. Weltkriegs
vivid remembranceklare Erinnerung {f}
3 Words: Others
in remembrance of {prep}im Gedenken an [+Akk.]
in remembrance of {prep}zum Gedenken an [+Akk.]
in remembrance of sb. {adv}jdm. zum Gedenken
in remembrance of sb. {adv}zu jds. Gedächtnis
in remembrance of sb. {adv}zum Andenken an jdn. [an einen Verstorbenen etc.]
in remembrance of sb./sth. {adv}in Erinnerung an jdn./etw.
3 Words: Verbs
to bear (sb./sth.) in remembrancedie Erinnerung (an jdn./etw.) wachhalten
to bear sb./sth. in remembrancedie Erinnerung an jdn./etw. wach halten
3 Words: Nouns
act of remembranceAkt {m} des Gedenkens
relig. candle of remembranceGedenkkerze {f}
cult of remembranceErinnerungskult {m}
sociol. culture of remembranceErinnerungskultur {f}
pol. sociol. culture of remembranceGedenkkultur {f}
day of remembranceGedenktag {m}
place of remembranceErinnerungsort {m}
place of remembranceErinnerungsstätte {f}
plaque of remembranceErinnerungstafel {f}
politics of remembrance [usu. treated as sg.]Erinnerungspolitik {f}
realms of remembranceErinnerungsräume {pl}
relig. service of remembranceGedächtnisgottesdienst {m}
relig. service of remembranceGedenkgottesdienst {m}
site of remembranceErinnerungsstätte {f}
Stones of Remembrance [for victims of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes] [Vienna]Steine {pl} der Erinnerung [Wien]
4 Words: Nouns
(work in) remembrance of sth.Erinnerungswerk {n} an etw.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day [short for: International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust]Holocaust-Gedenktag {m} [kurz für: Internationaler Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust]
5+ Words: Others
To the best of my remembrance, ... [rare or archaic] [As far as I can recall, ...]Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to hold sb. in grateful memory / remembrancejdn. in dankbarer Erinnerung behalten
5+ Words: Nouns
Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism [January 27] [in Germany]Tag {m} des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus [27. Januar] [in Deutschland]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Highcastle: A Remembrance [Stanisław Lem]Das Hohe Schloß
mus. F Hold in remembrance Jesus ChristHalt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ [J. S. Bach, BWV 67]
lit. F Poppy and RemembranceMohn und Gedächtnis [Paul Celan]
lit. F Remembrance of Things Past [Marcel Proust]Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit
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A 2018-08-12: [day of remembrance of the victims of National Socialism]?
A 2015-09-07: http://www.linguee.de/englisch-deutsch/uebersetzung/remembrance+book.html
Q 2015-09-07: remembrance books (AE)
A 2012-09-08: Remembrance of things past.
A 2012-04-24: pillars, buttresses, or mainstays of culture of remembrance
A 2012-04-23: +culture of remembrance+ - some evidence
A 2012-04-23: Ebenso bitte in dict.cc eintragen: Gedenkkultur > culture of remembrance
A 2012-04-23: Bitte in dict.cc übernehmen: Erinnerungskultur > culture of remembrance
A 2012-04-23: linchpins of the culture of remembrance
A 2011-01-08: In his novel +In Search of Lost Time+ or +Remembrance of Things Past,+ Pro...
A 2008-04-05: oder: hour of remembrance
A 2007-03-10: remembrance, hospice support
A 2007-02-08: Or book of remembrance.
A 2007-02-08: remembrance book
A 2006-06-05: remembrance day, commemoration of the dead

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remembrance poppy
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