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English-German translation for: reports
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Dictionary English German: reports

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
NOUN   a report | reports
VERB  to report | reported | reported
reporting | reports
NOUN   der Report | die Reporte/Reports
sb. reports
jd. berichtet
Berichte {pl}
law Reports
Entscheidungssammlungen {pl}
mil. reportsRapporte {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
(news) reportsNachrichten {pl}
dent. med. case reportsKasuistiken {pl}
journ. conflicting reportswidersprüchliche Meldungen {pl}
contradictory reportswiderspruchsvolle Berichte {pl}
contradictory reportssich widersprechende Berichte {pl}
contrary reportsanderslautende Berichte {pl}
contrary reportsanders lautende Berichte {pl}
pol. diplomatic reports [sometimes: diplomat reports]Diplomatenberichte {pl}
eyewitness reportsAugenzeugenberichte {pl}
latest reportsjüngste Berichte {pl}
latest reportsjüngste Meldungen {pl}
latest reportsletzte Berichte {pl}
law law reportsEntscheidungssammlung {f}
media reportsMedienangaben {pl}
journ. media reportsMedienberichte {pl}
journ. press reportsPressestimmen {pl} [Berichte]
shorthand reportsStenogramme {pl}
sporting reportsSportberichte {pl}
statistics reportsstatistische Berichte {pl}
RadioTV TV reportsFernsehdokumentationen {pl}
weather reportsWettermeldungen {pl}
3 Words: Others
according to reports {adv}Berichten zufolge
according to reports {adv}wie verlautet [Berichten zufolge]
according to reports {adv} [in the past]wie verlautete
3 Words: Nouns
annual expert reportsJahresgutachten {pl}
mil. enemy contact reportsFeindmeldungen {pl}
acc. reports and accountsBerichtswesen {n} und Buchhaltung
routine weather reportsplanmäßige Wettermeldungen {pl}
variance between reportsAbweichung {f} unter den Berichten
writing of reportsAbfassung {f} von Berichten
4 Words: Others
journ. RadioTV according to media reports {adv}laut Medienberichten
journ. according to media reports {adv}Medienberichten zufolge
according to media reports {adv}nach Medienberichten
according to newspaper reports {adv}Zeitungsberichten zufolge
according to opposition reports {adv}nach Oppositionsberichten
according to reliable reports {adv}sicherem Vernehmen nach
4 Words: Verbs
to give away the reportsdie Berichte weitergeben
4 Words: Nouns
obligation to publish reportsVerpflichtung {f}, Berichte zu veröffentlichen
reports of the electionWahlberichte {pl}
5+ Words: Others
journ. according to initial eyewitness reportsnach ersten Augenzeugenberichten
According to reports just coming in ... [TV, radio]Wie soeben gemeldet wird ... [TV, Radio]
according to the latest reportsnach den letzten Berichten
journ. pol. according to Western media reports {adv}westlichen Medienberichten zufolge
despite reports to the contrary {adv}entgegen anderslautenden Berichten
despite reports to the contrary {adv}entgegen anders lautenden Berichten
It appears from the reports that ...Aus den Berichten geht hervor, dass ...
The latest reports show that ...Die letzten Berichte zeigen, dass ...
We've got scattered reports that ...Es gehen vereinzelt Berichte ein, dass ...
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Q 2017-12-02: developing electronic mail advertising Campaigns primarily based on reports
A 2016-05-21: Thanks, uffie, I almost forgot. I have done so now. Remember, it takes thr...
A 2015-04-14: Agree with Lllama - workload reports
A 2015-03-26: gone looney rather than berserk, if the news reports are right
A 2014-12-13: When the news reports started to circulate, ...
Q 2014-05-01: Allgemeinsprachlicher Text, Abgabe Freitag 12 Uhr "Target organisational s...
Q 2013-10-21: run reports - Berichte durchgehen?
A 2013-09-23: All that remains in the short space of time are the aspects marginally and...
Q 2013-05-31: capsulized reports?
A 2012-06-14: reports
Q 2012-02-23: Book reports due today
Q 2011-05-04: awoke to a catastrophe the reports of the death
Q 2011-04-25: Text über zerstörungsfreie Prüfung - "direct reports to" unbekannt
A 2011-01-31: I hadn't thought of the reporting scenario, even though reports are mentio...
A 2011-01-07: Carefully worded reports in English distinguish between "deposits" and "re...
A 2010-11-27: or, reports (the) news every day
A 2010-11-04: I would just go with "progress reports," but here are some other suggestions:
Q 2010-08-03: Reports: With respect to reporting on copies published and sold, Publisher...
A 2010-04-17: interim reports
A 2010-01-13: It's the language that seems to be universally used in police reports -

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